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“So,” Niel said, then hesitated. “I kind of have two questions.” Olavo was the only other in the limousine. Limbani had tried to get in, but he’d been bribed with three guys to ride in his own car.

“Only two?” the capybara replied with a smirk.

“Okay, I have a lot more, but two I’d really liked answered now. First off, why are we driving to this hotel? Thomas said his room.”

“His room is in that hotel.”

“That seems inconvenient.”

“What it is is secure. My father respects Thomas, and trusts him as much as he will trust anyone, but the possibility exist he can be coerced. Having his room there, away from our home ensures that if anyone tries to use him to get to us, they cannot appear in a surprise attack.”

“Okay, I guess that works. Then my second question. Why did we fly?”

“So we could come to Argentina?”

Niel shook his head. “Why did we fly instead of having someone teleport us here?”

“And by someone, you mean Thomas.”

“Or someone else. I’m not picky.”

Olavo studied him. “Didn’t Roland explain things?”

“If you mean that Thomas can teleport, of course he did.”

“And that’s all he did? He never mentioned that he is the only one who can do it? That before him it was believed to be impossible?”

Niel shook his head, surprised. “Does that mean others will be able to now that he showed it can happen?”

“That isn’t how it works. We don’t get to decide who gets what power, only He does. Thomas does show us he can happen, but He may decide that Thomas is the only to ever have that power. Or Roland may get it once he walks out of his ceremony, or someone else, some day may. There is no way for us to know.”

“Why, to be the only person with that kind of power,” Niel trailed off, wondering if he could stop himself form abusing something like that.

“There is one other with his power, quite literally. Do you remember Firmin?”

“He’s the shape shifter, right?” Because he’d been at the frat a few times when Niel visited Roland there, the bat had made sure he was part of his memories, but even there they hadn’t interacted much.

“Body thief. He can only take other’s shapes, but if he copies one of us, he also copies their power. He and Thomas have grown friendly enough after the Henry debacle that he has allowed him to continue copying it, but that has not been advertised. There have been other attempts at copying his power, but he and his family are careful not to let it happen.”

“Is that why those Lewistons are after him?” it had been explained only broadly as being a family problem, but if teleportation was that rare, it made sense.

“No, but if Roland hasn’t told you the details, I don’t think it’s my place to do so.”

“So, I guess us flying was because he was too busy with more important people.”

“More that I don’t want to abuse a friend, and flying is enjoyable.”

The capybara was right about that.

* * * * *

The hotel felt more like a resort, with only three floors, but spread wide on both side of the main entrance. A monkey with black and golden fur in a bellhop suit right out of an old movie opened the car’s door for them, then greeted Olavo by name, that being the only part of the short conversation Niel understood.

“We own the hotel,” Olavo explained. He spoke with a clerk, a tapir in a light dress, and she handed him a card.

“Don’t you have a master code?” Niel asked. “With owning the place and all?”

“This might not be the United States, but we still have privacy laws, only the manager has a passcode.” They rode the elevator to the third floor. Olavo grinned. “And my uncle isn’t on the property today.” Olavo opened the door and the sound of sex was loud.

“I guess Limbani got here before us.”

“No.” Olavo entered and Niel followed. “This is why the driver of the car Limbani is in has orders to drive for an hour more than needed to get here.” Olavo’s father had a rat pinned to the bed and was fucking him hard. An otter on a plush chair watching, looking annoyed. “Felix, what are you doing here?” Olavo asked.

“No one told us there would be someone here to recharge him.”

“Thomas knew.”

“Well he didn’t say.”

Niel almost pointed out that Thomas was right there, on the bed getting plowed and sounding like he was loving it, but he remembered what Olavo said, and now it made sense that other voice he’d hear through his phone had sounded like Thomas.

It was Firmin being fucked on the bed.

Olavo took off his pants. “Then it’s good you’re here. I can make sure you are healthy.”

The otter smirked. “What, you don’t trust the work one of your frat boys did? Are your telling me you aren’t making sure they are perfect? Whatever happened to the great Olavo, eventual ruler of Argentina with all his needed degrees to get there and wanting perfection out of everyone?”

“You will speak to my son with the respect he is due,” the elder capybara said, not slowing.

Felix rolled his eyes. “I’m going to speak to my frat brother however I want. If he doesn’t like it, he’s welcome to make sure I can’t talk.” The otter smirked, pulling his legs up.

“You know very well fucking you is better to heal.” Olavo put the legs over his shoulder. “Which is a good thing I have brought Niel with me. Niel, why don’t you shove your cock in this impertinent otter’s mouth before my father feels the need to make him regret ever opening it?”

Niel grinned at the otter. Felix opened his muzzle to protest, and the raccoon filled it with his cock. Then Niel got to experience the elder Medeiros and was left considering that if older men were as skill as he was, he’d have to spend more time with them from now on.

* * * * *

Niel stood there, trying to decide what this had felt like as Firmin in Thomas’s body dropped onto the bed and Limbani started fucking him. There had been no talk of what to expect, and he’d wondered if the others we setting him up for something, but… he tried to come up with some way to describe it and couldn’t come up with anything.

He’d been standing in the hotel room in Argentina(I’m thnking we’re going to have to refine where they actually are, Argentina is on the large side) holding on to Firnim, alongside Olavo and Limbani, then he was in this room. No fading in and out, not vertigo, no changes whatsoever. At worse, he there there was a moment of blankness between one location and the other, but he wasn’t even sure of that. Maybe he’d just blinked.

The door opened and a red panda asked something in what Niel guessed to be Chinese. Limbani replied in the same language—how many did he know and why hadn’t the monkey bragged about it? He made out Hertz, then the panda was gone.

Niel took in the room. It was large and had a definite North American feel to it. Bed, dresser, side tables. A door lead to a good size bathroom; small when compared what the Medeiros had but he’d been in friend’s house with smaller ones.

Olavo offered for him to have a good at the rat sprawled on the bed but he shook his head. Even knowing he was Firmin, he still looked like his best friend’s brother and until he and Roland talked about what was allowed, he didn’t feel right fucking a copy of him.

So he pulled his phone and looked through videos of the team’s plays that had made it online.

His view was interrupted by the door slamming open, then he was on the bed, pushed the from the impact and being hugged tight.

“Fuck I missed you,” Roland said, then kissed him hard.

Niel hugged his best friend and kissed him back. Hands on his ass, bare ass. Niel was naked, since Firmin had teleported them as soon as they were done fucking, but he’d expected Roland to be busy with something and dressed.

Niel pushed his friend away enough he could look him upper body over. “You’ve put on even more muscle than I expected. You didn’t look this buff in the last video.”

“Do you have any idea what’s possible with magic? I mean, noting like what Madoc gives, but still. And I’ve had a lot of time between that, the sex, and teaching the guys my age football. We’ve had to settle on touch football, although in the local dialect it translates more to grope football, which is a better description anyway. We’re not actually good at football, but we have the groping down.”

“Breathe!” Niel exclaimed with a laugh. “I’m not leaving anytime soon, no need to fill in weeks of events right now.”

Roland hugged him again. “I’m so glad you made it. Oh! I need to introduce you to someone.” The rat pulled Niel up and in the doorway were Eric and Nadia Hertz, dressed in light shirts for Roland’s father and a light summer dress for his mother. Niel was suddenly very aware of his nudity and pulled the rat before him.

“Can I get something to wear?” he whispered.

Roland laughed. “Come on, you think you’re the first naked guy my parents have seen? We’ve been here for two years. Anyway you’ve got to me Milton(I checked and couldn’t find this name used before, but feel free to change it, or to remove the baby brother. The option was in the outline so I decided to go with it), my brother.”

Nadia held a tiny bundle in her arms and she beamed as Niel looked at him.

“It’s goping to be so cool teachign him everything I know,” Roland said.

“Maybe you’ll wait until he’d older for some of that,” Nadia said. “Like once he’s able to hold a ball?”

“I can start teaching him the theory before that, mom.” Niel wanted to laugh at the adoration on Roland’s face as he looked at his baby brother. Hopefully there wouldn’t be any of the awkward longing in this relationship. Niel didn’t feel like going through the memories the bat had left him of that part of Roland teen years. His best friend had never openeid up to him about that in reality.

“It’s good to see you again, Niel.” Eric offered his hand, looking Niel over appreciatively and the raccoon blushed as he shook it. “I believe I should welcome you into His family. Thomas said you were a follower before he left to pick up the others, but he didn’t give any details, I’m afraid.”

“Yeah, seems there’s a group of them who keep to themselves, and my biological father was one, my dad can’t have kids so he went to him.” As normal as it was for men in the society to have sex with their relatives—and he had the memories to support that, Niel wasn’t ready to go into who his biological father was just yet. “Also turns out that because I had sex with someone else related to that group, I’m not officially one of them and I need sex the way I used to need food.”

“So, no difference then,” Roland said, pulling himself away from his baby brother.

“No, like I’m going to starve if I don’t have sex at least once a day.”

Roland grinned. “Oh, that is so cool. Have you eaten today yet?”

Niel opened his mouth to repeat he no longer needed food, but caught the mischievousness in his friend’s eyes. “You are up to something.”

“You’re running out of time before that ass goes off limit.”

“You said—” Niel closed his muzzle. He wasn’t talking about that in front of Roland’s parents. There were things you didn’t say, no matter how open about sex a family was. “We’re going to need a room. I’m not fucking you in front of your family.”

* * * * *

Niel was back in the room he’d arrived in and it was getting crowded. Only the bed and the space before it were free of people. Chair were pulled in and everyone sat, talking and groping each other, even Nadia was keeping Eric erect. Teasing was the order of the day, keeping everyone ready for the next arrival, not that anyone was just when Thomas would arrive, so there was also a betting pool as to who would cum first, and who would lose the battle of well and start fucking. It was no surprise that Limbani was the favorite for both, not that the monkey seemed to want to move onto anything else just yet.

A group appeared before the bed. Three rats and a tiger with pale fur and golden stripes. The older of the rats stepped forward, while Thomas stood there looking around.

“Nadia,” the rat said, hugging her, careful of her bundle.

“Trevor, it’s so good to see you again.”

Instead of a hug, Trevor kissed Eric hard, and stroked the leaking cock.

“Okay,” Thomas said. “Stop gawking at my dad making out with Trevor. I’m the one who expended all that energy getting them here, someone come and fuck me.”

Limbani was on the rat and the fell back on the bed. Niel was too stunned by how blase Roland’s mother was at another playing with her husband’s cock. He’d heard stories, but he hadn’t expected them to be quite this true.

Eric grunted, then came over Trevor’s hand and arm. Nadia took the hand away and licked the cum off.

“I guess that’ll do as a welcome for now,” she said. She noticed Niel and smiled. He hurried to look away.

The golden tiger offered Niel his hand. “Niel, right?” unlike every guy in the room, the tiger was dressed.

“And you’re Paul, right?” Other than Thanksgivings, the two hadn’t interacted much over the years, being best friend with siblings who avoided each other because of how badly they wanted to pull the other in bed for hot sex.

“How are you doing? I hear you didn’t run off like a certain rat we know.”

Niel chuckled and gave a run down of what had happened to him. Not long after he was done, the rats on the bed were done too and Thomas stopped any from starting on him. “After I’ve done the introductions, we can get back to the sex.” He pulled the rat and Niel stood. “Niel, Madoc, Madoc, my brother’s best friend, Niel.”

Madoc was built, more muscular than Niel had expected from the stories Roland told him. The rat made others into muscle houses, not himself, but he looked like someone had chiseled him out of marble.

Instead of speaking, the rat grabbed Niel by the shoulders and turned him. The ass grope didn’t come, instead he finished the one eighty.

“How much can you lift?” Madoc asked.

“No,” Roland said. “You aren’t spending time going over what you can do to him.” He grabbed Madoc by the arm and pulled him to the bed. “I need my booster shot because it’s going to be months before I let you give me another one.”

Thomas shook his head and chuckled. “He is going to be impossible once he starts topping.”

“Give him a week,” Gilbert said, “and he’ll be asking to be fucked again.”

“Thomas, it’s so good to have you home again,” Nadia said and hugged him.

“It’s great o be back, Mom. And no vanishing for a while. The next two weeks are for Roland and my family.”

“What about your family?” she asked. “When are you going to give me a grand son?”

“Mom,” Thomas whined.

“Come here Son,” Eric said and pulled Thomas against him, kissing him hard. Thomas stiffened, before kissing back, then ending the kiss.

“Sorry dad, it’s still…”

Eric’s smile had sadness in it. “I understand.”

“Alright everyone,” Nadia called. “Just a reminder that for those of us who will not be taking part in the ceremony, there is food and refreshment in the dining room.” She paused. “Niel, can you still eat?”

Niel remembered how his last solid meals had gone down.

“He should stick to liquids for the moment,” Olavo said. “His body will have to get used to dealing with food it can’t process.”

“Does that mean I’ll be able to eat and not… you know?”

“Yes, you don’t have to worry about that.”

Niel smiled. He hadn’t realized how much the idea of never tasting food again had hurt until now.

“Good, with that settled,” Nadia said, “we should assemble there and leave my son to finish this so they can move to the ceremonial chamber and he can be made a man.”

“Mom, I am a man, I’m eighteen.”

“In the Society, you become a man once you have your Ceremony of Dominance, young man. You are the one who insisted on being picky about who led it. There were plenty of—”

“Fine,” Roland whined. “I’ll be a man in a couple of hours then.”

“You think it’s going to take that lone?” Limbani asked.

“Oh, I’m going to make it take that long,” the rat replied. “I have been waiting for this for way too long. I am going to milk it for all it’s worth.”

“I forget,” the monkey said, grinning. “You haven’t gone through any of the ceremonies. It’s going to be fun to watch.”

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