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This week was… well, a week. Nothing more eventful happened than driving from the GTW to Montreal a few times and back, stopping at the exact same truck stop for 4 nights in a row. 

I also found out another reason I dislike being on the east coast. My clock is the same as everyone else here, so when I park at my dinner time, it’s also dinner time here and the truckstops are full. It affected me yesterday night, when the truckstop I picked was in deed packed, and I ended up having to drive an extra hour to reach the next one I wanted, then I went to grab a shower and found there was a 12 people waiting line for them, the estimated wait time was close to 2 hours. So I waiting until today to have it and it was still a 45 minute wait.

I watched Toy Story 4 today, and I have to say that it should be illegal for a movie about toys to hit me in the feels so hard. I thought number 3 was a perfect ending since it wrapped up Andy’s story, but 4 closes Woody’s story so <bleeping> well. I will say I’m hoping there isn’t a 5, but if Pixar makes one, I’ll wait to see just what amazing story they manage to pull out of their hats.

And that’ll be it, so I’ll see you on the next one. 


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