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Last week, I mentioned that I’d had an idea for a new series and wrote the outline for the fist book (I did, I checked) I started working on the outline for the second book early this week and as the week progressed, the energy of the new idea ebbed away, and in its place I was left with fear.

Fear that I’m doing this just to get attentions, Fear that I’m hoping it’s going to make me right real quick, fear that I’m just doing it because it’s “the popular genre” fear that by doing these outline by myself, I’ll alienate my co-scripter. Fear that I’m not good enough to even write without my Co-scripter’s help.

Now, before everyone emails me to point out how I’m wrong, thank you, but that isn’t why I’m doing this.

I’m not writing this looking for sympathy.

I’m writing it to talk about perseverance. 

I know these fears are irrational. Most fears are these days, especially fear of intangible things. Somethings, there’s even crippling. I haven’t touched any of the outlines for this series in two days. I don’t know if I’ll be able to work on it today, or tomorrow, or the day after that.

What I do know, is that I will work on it.

I will get these outlines done, even if I decide not to write the books because… whatever reason I decide not to write them. While I do intend to write the novels, the primary exercise is writing the outlines.

I will work on my fears as it relates to this, I will overcome them, as it relates to this and I will get the outlines.

One last fear about these. I’m afraid they won’t be perfect.

How is that for stupid fear? The fear’s still real, I still have to work on it.

And that’ll be it, so I’ll see you on the next one. 



You sound like you live under the Law of Jante. It’s from this Nordic book, describing the mentality about the people of Jante (a made up city in Norway I think). The Law is basically these ten commandments, which everyone lives by - only, when you actually write down these laws all together they look ridiculous. They seem sort of true if you take them one by one, but all together they just look like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum. Point is, all these fears and insecurities might seem “legit” when you take them one by one, but if you line them all up together it will become evident just how insane they are.


The law of Jante: 1) You are not to think you are anything special 2) You are not to think you are as good as us 3) You are not to think you are smarter than us 4) You are not to convince yourself that you are better than us 5) You are not to think you know more than us 6) You are not to think you are more important than us 7) You are not to think you are good at anything 8) You are not to laugh at us 9) You are not to think anyone cares about you 10) You are not to think you can teach us anything


I have to say that when my mood drops low enough it does feel like some of those laws do govern me