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$1 Patron  : https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-0-19-1-95617265 

$5 Patron  : https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-0-19-5-95617677 

$10 Patron : https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-0-19-95617775 

$20 Patron : https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-0-19-95617846 

$40 Patron : https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-0-19-95617909 

0.19 Patch notes:

  • Added Lilly.
  • Added a new room "Mines Outside"
  • Added a new Quest with Lilly.
  • Added a new Reward with Lilly.
  • Added animation to Lilly's reward.
  • Added a new quest with Lilly that leads to a Scarlet X Lilly reward. Talk to Lilly by the mine to start the quest.
  • Added some of camo's missing rewards to the Cosplayer Compendium.
  • Added a new Questlog that tracks the main quest of the game, and Camo's side quest. More quests will be added to it soon.
  • Fixed a bug with mandy where you could not fight her again after losing. Click on any mailbox to re-start the fight.



Danny Donven

Is there an android version?

Bobby Shirley

man I can't wait for next the update this game has changed so much from the first draft like a lot less pokemon cosplay I would not hate if came back but I am looking forward to what ever is store next


Excuse me, when is the next update?