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 Here is the newest version of Con-Quest!  


Hotfix 5/1/17
+ Added a book in the shipwreck room.
+ Added a Player status menu
 + Tweaked the Lighting spell summon damage.
+ Fixed a bug that caused the Shiny Jess cosplayer to trigger the zoom effect even if the option was disabled.

Hotfix 4/22/17:
Fixed an issue that caused some players passwords to read as invalid.
Fixed an issue with the shiny Jess cosplayer that caused a horrible sound to play and would break the game.
Fixed an Issue with the Jess quest line that caused some players to get stuck. 

Patch Notes: New enemy weakness system:

  •  Most Cosplayers now have a weakness to a certain spell or attack. 
  •  Hitting an opponents weakness while you have no debuffs on you will now deal massive damage.
  •  If you hit an opponent's weakness while you have a debuff on you it will not count. 

 Game Changes: 

  • Changed the way attacks and spells are drawn to the screen which should now help players that have been experiencing lag. 
  • Added a new room with 3 new girls (2 of which have reward images both static and animated) 1 common, 1 uncommon and 1 ultra rare (not yet saveable). 
  • Added quests for both of the new savable girls. 
  • The (ultra rare) Umi can now be saved and has a reward image.  

 Player changes: 

  •  Moth Swarm spell has a new animation. 
  •  Ignite Scissors spell has a new animation. 
  •  Basic attack has a new animation. 

 Enemy Changes: 

  • Petal Dance spell has a new animation. 
  • Ignite Spell has a new animation. 
  • Added a new animation when a cosplayer gets hit with an attack they are weak to. 

 Options menu: 

  • Added an option to turn off the zoom effect when a girls costume gets torn. Disabling this will help players that are experiencing lag. 

 $10+ Patreon Tier: 

  •  Added 3 new topless character portraits. 





I just saved my game and copied the password to a word document then saw that umbreon could be saved so I loaded up the window again entered the password right from the document and nothing pasted it. so I opened my email and pasted the password into a blank document then copied and pasted that to the password slot and it worked but now it says my password is invalid. please help. I just beat jessie and reached lvl 137 (I think)