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 Here is the newest version of Con-Quest!


Hotfix 5/1/17
+ Added a book in the shipwreck room.
+ Added a Player status menu
 + Tweaked the Lighting spell summon damage.
+ Fixed a bug that caused the Shiny Jess cosplayer to trigger the zoom effect even if the option was disabled.

Hotfix 4/22/17
Fixed an issue that caused some players passwords to read as invalid.
Fixed an issue with the shiny Jess cosplayer that caused a horrible sound to play and would break the game.
Fixed an Issue with the Jess quest line that caused some players to get stuck.

 Patch Notes: 

New enemy weakness system:

  •  Most Cosplayers now have a weakness to a certain spell or attack. 
  •  Hitting an opponents weakness while you have no debuffs on you will now deal massive damage.
  •  If you hit an opponent's weakness while you have a debuff on you it will not count. 

 Game Changes: 

  • Changed the way attacks and spells are drawn to the screen which should now help players that have been experiencing lag. 
  • Added a new room with 3 new girls (2 of which have reward images both static and animated) 1 common, 1 uncommon and 1 ultra rare (not yet saveable). 
  • Added quests for both of the new savable girls. 
  • The (ultra rare) Umi can now be saved and has a reward image.

 Player changes: 

  •  Moth Swarm spell has a new animation. 
  •  Ignite Scissors spell has a new animation. 
  •  Basic attack has a new animation. 

 Enemy Changes: 

  • Petal Dance spell has a new animation. 
  • Ignite Spell has a new animation. 
  • Added a new animation when a cosplayer gets hit with an attack they are weak to. 

 Options menu: 

  • Added an option to turn off the zoom effect when a girls costume gets torn. Disabling this will help players that are experiencing lag. 

 $10+ Patreon Tier: 

  •  Added 3 new topless character portraits. 




Seem to have a really annoying bug. The Umbreon Cosplayer has shown up twice for me so far but has been labeled as an Echo of Cubone. Both times after defeat (with rope) she just ran away :(


Also holy shit that new Ultra Rare is hard to beat.


It doesn't look like Haley's animation arrow loops to the end static shot like all the others.


Looks like my save code is now coming up invalid as well, that sucks.


Hey does anyone know why when I try to play it says that I have to install flash even though I already have it. I even tried reinstalling but it didn't work either.


I had the same , I play another game and it ask me to activate flash, after that it worked*


For some reason the save button does neither save the game nor give me a password.


Are you playing on newgrounds? or did you download the game and are running it with some program?


Im running it with the adobe flash player and not on newgrounds. For some reason the game is not displayed on newgrounds. But that is most likely because im playing on Linux. I just tested the game file on my windows emulator and the save button does work just fine.


It's possible the version of flash player is out of date. I use the Flash Player projector to test the game so I know it works you can get it for free here <a href="https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html</a>


Using the debugger for linux I get following error when pressing the save button: ActionScript-Error: Error: Error #2130: Unable to flush SharedObject. at Error$/throwError() at flash.net::SharedObject/flush() at Main/saveData() at Main/step()


Sounds like an issue with the way flash works on Linux. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about linux or how flash runs on it.


Yep password works now, thanks for the quick update!


Holy Load Time Batman!!!! I'm using newgrounds to play the game and it takes forever to load. Is anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?


Could we get a list of which cosplayers are saveable??? or are all ultra rares save-able now? In specific, is Braixen saveable?


I clicked the link and it says this.... ERROR — No such dump exists.


This version is out of date and no longer exists the latest version post can be found here <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-poke-v-13938714">https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-poke-v-13938714</a>


Ah ok thanks.