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Our next batch of poses are done and are ready to be voted on!

Check out the poses here!




i like A very pin-up looking. well done


I wish I came sooner (no pun intended) I'd have enjoyed influencing some of your decisions! C looks wayyy too revealing! Not that that's neccesarily a bad thing in a porn-like game but a lot of the attraction in these fights is slowly undressing and enjoying the hidden elements of their character so we see them in a more "battle-ready" pose. It's until we establish a friendship with them that we're exposed to the personal interaction. The pose in A feels so appropriate where B looks too battle-ready. Pose A has a similar feel to pikachu cosplayer in that it shows off the curves and personality more. Pikachu cosplayer gives a desire to complete her portion of the story because we can always enjoy that "peek" before actually being able to seduce her.


C for Dat Ass pose.


i honestly like all of them


B definitely interests me the most. They're all sexy, but B also looks really cool on top of the sexiness. The flames spinning around her arms is way better than them just sitting on her palm/finger.