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Here is the $10 Tier now with a topless version of the Bulbasaur cosplayer character portrait!




Time to have some fun before thanksgiving dinner :D


I'm not sure if I'm imagining this, but it seems like the girls' battle avatars are getting bigger for some reason? Like sometimes I'll enter a battle and realize that it doesn't fit properly in the screen anymore. I'm not sure what's causing this, but I think it's linked to the character summon. Probably Phoebe since it seems like I never get to summon Ivy. --Nevermind they don't seem to be getting any bigger. I might have just hallucinated that.


On a separate, more real note: When the receptionist with no portrait came into the shop area, some of the text appeared, but after a certain point, it all bugged out and all i got was gibberish and loud, constant text noises for a while.


If you look really close they do actually get slightly bigger and smaller in combat. It makes them look a little less static in combat.


So because I'm really bad at this game, I found out that if the enemy heals enough to get a layer of clothing back, they act as if they lost anyway and flee.


That is actually really funny. I had no idea that could happen. I'm looking in on how to fix it. But it might just be funny enough to keep in.


Well, yes. That I noticed. But it looked like at one point when I battled one of them, that they started off larger than normal, to the point that their head was outside the upper boundary.


If you plan on keeping it in, then maybe make it so that they taunt you as they're leaving instead. It'll seem less like a bug that way


Also if one of the gift balloons appears where one of the character sprites is, they appear above it rather than the balloon covering them.


Plus, I'm not sure if this is on purpose or not, but if you hit an enemy hard enough when they're fully clothed, so that they end up on their last tier of clothing, they don't flee.


As what will probably be my last comment for now since I finally got that last card (Damn you Ultra rare Jessie card!) I noticed that if your health goes above 1000 and you have not full health so that it has the 1000/1010 or whatever, the second number gets cut off at the edge. It doesn't do this if the first number is below 1000, however.


Well, in one hour I beat the current version, I can say I have ran into all of the bugs Christian has.


Ran into a bug where an Echo of Misty pop up every now and again, but I've never even fought a Misty before. I did fight and beat the Jesse and I saw the Echo of Jesse once so I'm not sure if that has to do with it. Also another thing about the Echo of Misty fight is that she can't run and I can't use a rope on her.


Got an issue that i encountered. I cant save the game on the link provided here but i can perfectly save the game in the free version on newgrounds.com. I wasn't in incognito mode and my cookies is enabled. Help?


playing on windows PC. The save data was gone once i reboot my computer but the free version data was working fine even after reboot.


Hmm. The save function in the free and the Patreon version are identical so i'm fairly certain it's not the function itself. If you save in the Patreon version and refresh your webpage are you able to load?


i'm able to load it. The problem is after i shut down my computer and on it the next day.


Interesting. So that means the save function is working and you have the save data stored on your computer. So at some point between the computer restarting it deleted the save file. The thing that doesn't make sense to me is why it only deleted the Patreon save. As you said the free version save still works right?


Do you use Ccleaner to clear out your temp files or any other program like it? From the sound of it something on your computer deleted your save file.


nope. never use anything to clear out anything at all. I try to save something again today and see whether can it hold the save data until i on my computer again. Thanks!


Cool. I'm going to try add a password system that gives you a password you can load from which would help circumvent problems like this in the future. And allow saving and loading across different versions.