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Hey everyone! here is the latest beta build of the game. 

+Added the Mia cosplayer quest line.

+Changed up some UI elements.

+The Dialogue system has been competently revamped (Old Dialogue  hasn't been changed yet it's only for the new stuff). Character portraits are now animated and some have a range of emotions. 

+ Added a new ANIMATED reward with 4 stages as a reward for the Mia quest line.

+ Cycling though characters in the sticker book should now work properly


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And here I was thinking I'd be able to get to sleep on time for a change. Guess I was wrong.


the dialogue seems a bit broken <a href="https://puu.sh/zyes6/a5aac928fd.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/zyes6/a5aac928fd.png</a> it's like this for a lot of conversations.


I'd kinda like to see the echo of the Meowth, but uuuhhh ... <a href="https://ibb.co/mKLCnc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://ibb.co/mKLCnc</a>


Where do you find Meowth?


Im not sure if its just me, but is anyone elses text freaking out while talking with npc's?


I noticed a bug with the dialogue during the part in the casino. The text bugs out, and I think it's stopping me from actually finishing that part of the quest.


I have no idea on how to unlock the meowth quest line, i've got no guiding on how to get to the quest line. How on earth do i even unlock the new area's


I cant open the file. It just open adobe flash player and the only thing that i got its a white screen.


Seems like the text bug only happens when maximized? At least when I kept it the smaller size I never had it happen.


Also not sure if a bug or not, but i can't seem to further Ivy's summon questline, its always at 10


- Bug with character portraits after completing the Meowth cosplayer quest line. Only happens when you click the skip button when talking to them in The Galleria (if you click through the text and let the transition happen normally this will not happen). The character Portrait for Nia and Mia will show up as the Portrait for all of the characters. (with exceptions being the receptionist and any of the non portrait items like Sarah, Gale, Janae, and Joy after the first transition this issue will be resolved). What I mean about Transition is the switch from one scene to another. Also Combat will not solve this issue, and leaving a room does not make a difference. Here is my save if you want to do some testing. Might be a bug with my save: ZF5fWUpdRV5cX0JDV0FYS15ZVFVaWFheXVVEQ1FQXUNfUkRBYERYQFdFQkRYQVxHUEFBQF5HUFVG RUVEXElFQ1NJW0NdSUBYYERbQFdfQFBdQ0BeUkRYSl9HUklbWERYQVRYXk5VRF9CVV9EfFhFXEpY RlxZX0JeV1hGVV9HUFVGUEFEXElFQ1NJWUNfSUJYYURYQFdFQkRYX0FeVFhFVV5HUVVFUUFEXFNB Q1JJWENeSUNYYERYQFdFQkRYX0JeVlhGVV9HUFVFX1hZX1VYXk5URF5CVF9GfFpFXkpYQkRcX0Fe VFhFVV5HU1VGRUdEXElFXU5SXUNYSUVYfVxFXUpYX1lFQlxDUlhFT0NaTUhbWFhZQVRYWU5URFpC VF9FfFlFXUpYX1lFQlxDSUVYSENaTUhbWFhZQVRYXE5VRF5CVF9FfFlFXUpYX1lFQlxESUVYS0Na TUtbWFhZ - Also I am sure you are aware of the Echo of Meowth bug. This seems to me an issue with the Nia and Mia echo and not the Nia only one, as that one works for me. - I have not received the text bug that others have been seeing. I have tried different window sizes... not sure what is going on there sorry, I might not be testing it right. I hope that this was enough detail for you and I will let you know of anything else that I find.


not sure if its been said, but is there no artwork for cursed meowths yet? cursed forms are invisible to me, is this a bug or simply unfinished work in because its a beta?