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In the past few days we’ve eventually had some free time to organize the new strategy to keep Unseen64 online in the following months and years, as we had introduced in the yearly-update on the status of the project . Here you have the proposed changes to our Patreon’s goals and activities. As you know we need your feedback to proceed: please let us know what you think, so we can decide whether to go on with this plan or we need to change it!

As most of you know, we usually work on Unseen64 in our free time, after a long day of work, taking this free time away from our sleep, friends and family. We care about it and we like to research info on lost games, save media, contact developers, write articles, read Unseen64 related emails, reply to messages on social networks, resolve technical issues on the site and edit videos. 

Most of the work needed to keep Unseen64 online is still done by monokoma alone. Some authors who have been helping the site in the past few years, had to stop their collaborations mainly because they were lacking free time. So, while we were hoping that new authors who already helped to draft our book could join the Unseen64 collective to write more articles, in the end most of them were not able to keep contributing to the site. 

At the moment, there are just a couple of people actively writing for the site, and we found out it’s impossible to publish more than 4 articles per month, even though we proposed to give them a little money for the extra articles. There are not enough good authors who are interested to research and write about lost games for free or for a very little amount of money. Due to this, we’ll continue publishing 1 new article every week (that makes 4 or 5 each month).

In the meantime, we were able to save almost $2,000 in our “Preservation Fund “, meant for the site's emergency expenses. This Fund should be enough to be safe with future emergencies, so we would like to start to use part of the new donations to let monokoma and other active contributors to work on Unseen64, and give them a little compensation as they will need to work less on their freelance daily jobs. It’s not much money but this means they can keep alive the research on lost games, and also deal with Unseen64 related activities during the day, leaving them more free time on the evening to catch up with their private lives they are now leaving quite out. After 15+ years of 100% volunteer work to keep Unseen64 online we’d love to be able to offer a little gratitude for their efforts. And, to be able to keep Unseen64 going, according to the current engagements of the committed staff. Goes without saying, we’d like to know your opinion about this!

At the moment we have about $60 of fixed monthly expenses to keep the Unseen64 server online with tech support and cloud backup of all files. The remaining donations (about $120) could then be used to support people in their monthly activities related to Unseen64, researches, site updates, video editing and so on. Even if we’d never reach our goal of 400$ per month, at least we could start to see Unseen64 as something we can keep doing along with little freelance jobs instead than an ungrateful activity that keeps us away from our present lives.

Speaking of which, in the last few months we were able to create new video-articles thanks to the help of a couple of awesome English friends, who donated their time and voices for these:

What do you think about these videos? As we wrote before, we already planned to produce more of them every month while improving their quality, to help us all to preserve memories of the more obscure lost games, that would otherwise be forgotten. Basically, we will do a video article for each major text-article we are already working on for the site.

As always, please let us know what you think and leave your feedback below! Thanks for your support, we would not be able to keep Unseen64 alive without your help.



Desdemona M.

I think you really have a strong structure planned. Obviously you can't really push something to hard, but it sounds like you have plans to take opportunities where they arise and that's a good plan to have. And I might be a little biased, but I think the plan to make more videos would be good. I believe you said before your videos get more eyes on the info.


The last couple of video have been good, but the Buciyo 5 video wasn't. I think you're on the right path and to toss a few bucks as an incentive to keep the quality rolling in isn't a bad strategy.


The last couple of video have been good, but the Buciyo 5 video wasn't. I think you're on the right path and to toss a few bucks as an incentive to keep the quality rolling in isn't a bad strategy.


Thanks a lot for the feedback Mason, is really appreciated! :) Indeed, videos are a must if we want to keep Unseen64 alive, most people will donate only if we make more and more videos, plus it's a fact that even our less-seen video on YT usually has more views than our average article on the site :O At the moment our only limit is that I (monokoma) am Italian and I am not able to quickly write scripts or create videos in English, but as it happened before with awesome friends like you, we can still find English people who can help with their time and voices :)