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Ciao! How are you? We hope you are fine, we are still a bit tired after all the work done on the Unseen64 book and this week was still super busy following the book release, answering to readers’ questions and comments. At least we did it, the book is published and all those obscure, unseen and interesting stories will be preserved in physical form too, we are quite happy for this achievement :) Remember that the Unseen64 book would have not be possible without your support on Patreon, the next week we will post the details with the expenses used to ship the book to the volunteers that wrote most of the articles. Compared to other book projects on Kickstarter we were able to keep the expenses super low!

Now, it’s time to upgrade the Unseen64 website too: in the next few weeks we are going to organize the staff to work on new articles, there are some interviews and articles cut from the book that will be published online, new lost games to research and a new video series about less-known, obscure cancelled games that we plan to work on. We’ll tell you more about these news soon :)

First of all, now that the book is published we have to update our Patreon goals. The goal of 250$ / month to create the book was never really reached, but we did it anyway, because we are crazy and because we love so much to research and share info on lost games. Anyway, we can remove it now :P Here are the updated goals:

Goal 1: $50 per month
This will remain the same, we still have to pay about 600$ every year to pay the server and tech support to keep Unseen64 online.

Goal 2: $60 per month
This is a new goal and the plan is to upgrade our Dropbox space to 1TB (cost: € 8,25 per month, about 9/10$), then to upload all our Unseen64 archive of images, files, videos and documents in there, to have a single, dedicated online backup to preserve all those files and to manage an easy access to them for our patrons. This online archive will cover all the lost games already published on Unseen64, plus all the ones that we still did not add to the site yet. If you have other online backup services to suggest, let us know!

Goal 3: $100 per month
This was the goal for the Unseen64 podcast, but as Tamaki does not have time to do them anymore, we are planning to organize a new group of people that will do it. For now we'll keep this goal open, we hope to be able to share the new Unseen64 podcast with you in the following weeks :)

Goal 4: $150 per month
This is the same goal as before, but we'd like to create even more video-articles in the following months. We understand that Youtube is now the main channel for gamers that want to learn about games and as we discussed in the past it seems that people are more inclined to donate for video content than for classic text-articles, so we'd like to do more of these for sure :)

Goal 5: $400 per month
This is the same as the current goal, we don't know if we'll ever reach this number, but if so, we could be able to quit some of our day-jobs to create more content for Unseen64 and start to archive lost games for the 8th generation of consoles (Playstation 4, Xbox One, new PC Games). It would be awesome for sure, can we keep dreaming?

What do you think about these goals?

Next, a possible update to Patreon rewards:

Pledge $1 or more per month:
This will remain the same as before, you will support Unseen64 and we can keep posting new articles in the archive every week, plus those bonuses when available (podcast, thank you list, polls, etc.)

Pledge $5 or more per month:
Other than the current rewards (draft / early versions of future articles and some exclusive info / screens once every couple of weeks) we’d like to add a discount of 15$ off for our books on Createspace (unfortunately Amazon does not permit to create discount codes)

Pledge $10 or more per month:
Other than the current rewards (draft / early access videos and exclusive videos once every couple of weeks) we’d like to offer the chance to get a copy of our books at print-cost + shipping from Createspace, basically you could buy a copy at the lower cost possible, because we will not earn anything from it. Keep in mint that as we have to use Createspace, depending on where you live and on the supping cost, for you it could still be cheaper to buy the book on Amazon. We’ll check together if it could be cheaper for you or not!

Pledge $25 or more per month:
We will keep the current rewards (links to our online backups) and a free copy of our full-color book (if you pledge for at least 4 months), plus we'd like to add some more rewards, we will get in contact with people that pledged this much to talk with them directly to find a reward they will like :)

Plus, we are currently testing a possible release of Unseen64 related T-shirts, as a way to get some more budget to keep working on Unseen64. These could also be added to various rewards on Patreon. This is not officially open yet, but if you are interested you can already order different designs from Amazon.com (unfortunately they only ship in USA):

What do you think?  We are searching for another print-on-demand t-shirt service that could ship worldwide (and maybe that could be cheaper than Amazon), if you know one let us know!

Please leave a comment below with your feedback on the goals, rewards and everything else you’d like to suggest to make Unseen64 Patreon even better. Thanks for your support!



Desdemona M.

First of all, I want to say that the book was awesome! I just had the chance to get into it and I'm completely blown away by it, I wasn't expecting the quality to be -that- good! As for the patreon goals/rewards you have set up, it seems good! Have you thought about having a Unseen64 discord as a possible reward as well? It seems to be the more popular thing among patreon users.


Thank you Mason! I'm happy to know that you are enjoying the book, we put a lot of efforts in the project, even if there was much more we wanted to add to it, thinking about all the time used to write and edit the content it's quite amazing that we managed to do it :O We just found out recently about Discord, so I'm still trying to understand how it works, maybe in the future we could add it to the rewards :) At the moment our focus is to try to create more videos for Unseen64, especially for the less-known games that deserve to be remembered, the limit we have is that the main U64 staff is italian and we cannot do voice-overs in english, but i'm trying to find some english people that could record them for us, fingers crossed! :)