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Strelka Stories is a cancelled action adventure game planned for Playstation 3 that was in development by CyberConnect2, as a new chapter in their “Little Tail Bronx” series composed of three main chapters: Tail Concerto (1998, Playstation), Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (2010, Nintendo DS) and Little Tail Story (2014, Android and iOS). The series is not widely known to the main public and sales were not great, but thanks to its fun gameplay, light hearted animal characters and interesting world-lore (mixing Jules Verne-steampunk style technology, mechs, magic, Laputa style floating islands and airships) it grown a cult following of fans in the last 18 years. Read the full storyhttps://www.unseen64.net/2016/05/17/strelka-stories-cyberconnect2-ps3-cancelled/



