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Keeping up with our dizzy queue of lost games waiting to be remembered, we added 3 cancelled games to the Unseen64 archive:

Dwarfs [Xbox 360, PS3]: also known as “Seven Dwarves“ this is a canceled action adventure game from Obsidian Entertainment, once planned for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The game was intended to be a tie-in to a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs prequel that was in development at the time. Both the game and the movie were planned to be cornerstones to a new franchise aimed at boys to go alongside its other properties https://www.unseen64.net/2021/02/17/dwarfs-obsidian-snow-white-cancelled-rpg/

To End All Wars [Xbox 360, PS3]: cancelled FPS that was in development in 2007 by Chemistry (AKA Kuju Sheffield), planned to be published by Ghostlight on Xbox 360 and PS3. It was conceived as a realistic shooter set in the first World War, focused on defending trenches and planning attacks against enemy bases. We imagine it somehow like a FPS – Tower Defense hybrid https://www.unseen64.net/2021/02/17/end-all-wars-chemistry-wwi-cancelled/

Monster City Naga [NES]: cancelled JRPG that was in development by Compile and it would have been published by Irem for Nintendo Famicom (NES). It was quite an ambitious project for its time: it would feature an internal clock to track real-life hours (similar to Animal Crossing), so NPCs could move and act according to the time of day https://www.unseen64.net/2021/02/17/monster-city-naga-irem-famicom-cancelled/




Ooh, these sound good! I always thought the Dwarves idea sounded interesting from back when that "Knights of Obsidian" feature came out on... Kotaku, I think? That's one where, the more they show about it, the happier I am :) And anything Compile from the 8-bit days is good. To hear that they were working on another game around the same time as Golvellius or Recca: Summer Carnival is super cool! Nice finds, unseen64!


Obsidian really worked on many cancelled projects during those years, I hope one day they could share more details / images / videos from them! During our research we found out that someone saw at least concept art from the Dwarves game, but we were not able to get any unfortunately :(