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So it seems that after we published our review of the "Untold History of Japanese Game Developers Volume 2", the Unseen64 server collapsed. We were thinking that it was one of the usual downtime of the server, but John (the author of the book) sent us an email to warn us that it could have been a DoS attack just because we wrote about his book. In fact, just a week ago "StopDrop&Retro" who made a YouTube review of the same book, had his video suspended by YT, and a negative flag marked against his account. It seems someone, or a group of people, all flagged the video as inappropriate to force YT's automated system to activate (you can check the video above for more info on his case). Now a similar attack seems to have been made against Unseen64. We are still waiting for the response of our technical support to know more details on the problems, if that's really the reason the it's sad to think about that someone would take the time and effort to take down a small website like our just because we wrote about a book. In Volume 2 John published an interview with someone that revealed connections between the early japanese videogames industry and the Yakuza, but we don't think they would care about that and try to do something like this, so it's more likely that the attack was made by someone that really hates John and his works. We'll know more in the next few days :(


My latest book review was TOO HOT for YouTube!!

The original video review can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/GamingGems-1432280753696732/


Liam Robertson

If this is true, I would recommend just pulling it. While it sucks so hard, it isn't worth the hassle. DDoSing is the tool of cowards, but it is effective and I don't want to see the site crippled over a book review.


Indeed, it really sucks :( tech support is still trying to understand what happened, probably it will take a few days for the site to be back online