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For 1$+ Patrons: as you probably read in out Patreon goals, we would like to publish an Unseen64 book dedicated to cancelled games. To fully work on this project we'll have to reach the 250$ per month goal, to be able to hire even more editors and designers to help with the articles, interviews, book design and layout.. we hope that more people could pledge on Patreon for this, but as 2016 will be the 15° anniversary of Unseen64, we already started to work on the book, to try to release it the next year! As we are super happy for the help we are receiving from patrons, here's a random bonus for you, as a preview of what there could be in the Unseen64 book: a few questions to a former Rare developer; in this case we did not get many new info, but we'll work hard to be able to have many interviews like this :) Unseen64: In Conker: Bad Fur Day there are some awesome “idle animations” for when players are doing nothing and Conker is waiting ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_m8We72Sx0 ), do you remember how those came to life and if any animation was removed / censored? Answer: Most 3D platforms games at the time had some idle animations; we simply wanted to add more for variety and novelty as it made the Conker feel more alive less robotic Unseen64: We all know that Conker was once a cute, traditional 3D platformer ( http://www.unseen64.net/2008/04/04/conkers-quest-twelve-tales-unreleased/ ) and was heavily changed to became Bad Fur Day: do you remember why it was changed and how the team reacted to this decision? Answer: In it's original format the game lacked a strong identity; in a word it was dull. The team welcomed the changes. Unseen64: There are many differences from the original version of Conker’s Quest to the released Bad Fur Day, is there anything that you wish it would have not changed? Answer: I wasn't involved in the first iteration of the game, but I don't remember anyone having regrets along these lines. Unseen64: Sooo… in Conker there was a removed beat-down cutscene with Pikachu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvjAcjLAQXk (what a great scene!), but we can assume it could have been hard to let it pass from Nintendo’s censorship.. do you remember if anyone from Nintendo ever saw that cutscene or if it was removed directly by Rare? Asnwer: I think they did and requested that it be removed Unseen64: Kameo had a troubled yet interesting development cycle, going from GameCube to Xbox to Xbox 360.. do you remember if anything major was cut / changed from the original GameCube concept to the final version of the game? Answer: Yeah, the game went through several development phases, one particular phase involved a complete re-design from scratch


Conkers Bad Fur Day - All Idle Animations


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