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One year ago we released our huge book about cancelled video games, it had so many pages that the price was quite high because of the physical cost of printing. Finally we had some time to work on a new low-price edition of the book, divided into different short volumes, so you can just choose your favorite consoles. The content of this edition is the same of the original book (we just fixed some errors), but divided into short books.

We also plan to release a digital edition soon! Fingers crossed.

The first volume is available right now, dedicated to cancelled 8 bit and 16 bit games (NES, Master System, Game Boy, Turbografx 16, Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive). You can find this new budget edition on Amazon and Createspace:

+ Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/

+ Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/

+ Amazon Italy: https://www.amazon.it/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/

+ Amazon Spain: https://www.amazon.es/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ 

+ Amazon France: https://www.amazon.fr/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/

+ Amazon Germany: https://www.amazon.de/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/

Search your local Amazon website to see if it's already available!

+ Createspace:  https://www.createspace.com/7595847

This will be another way to raise funds to keep Unseen64 online. As always thanks for your help!


8 Bit & 16 Bit Games You Will Never Play | Low-Price Edition Book | Vol. 1

► Hi! I’m the Unseen64 artificial intelligence, nice to see you again! The Super Nintendo Mini is out today but maybe you can’t find it. Sadly there are many more video games we’ll never play. Here’s a book about lost 8 bit and 16 games bit that could be forgotten. In here you’ll find cancelled games for Nintendo, Master System, Game Boy, Turbografx 16, Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive This is the first volume of a new paperback, low-price edition of our original book! The content is the same of the original book, but divided into short books, we just fixed a few things and made it as cheaply as possible. You can order the first volume about lost 8 bit and 16 bit games right now, you can find it on Amazon and Createspace: + Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ + Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ + Amazont Italy: https://www.amazon.it/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ + Amazon Spain: https://www.amazon.es/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ + Amazon France: https://www.amazon.fr/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ + Amazon Germany: https://www.amazon.de/Video-Games-Will-Never-Play/dp/1976561825/ Search your local Amazon website to see if it's already available! + Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/7595847 ► For more info about the book: https://www.unseen64.net/2016/09/19/video-games-you-will-never-play-unseen64-book/ ► In September 2016 the Unseen64 collective published a book of almost 500 pages, to remember more than 200 lost games that could have been forgotten. This short book in your hands is just a small part of the original one, the first volume of a new "low-price edition" to let even more people to support the Unseen64 project. This first volume is dedicated to 8 bit and 16 bit games we'll never play. Over the course of this crowdsourced volume you will learn about some of the most interesting cancelled games for the NES, Master System, PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16), Game Boy, SNES and Mega Drive (Genesis). The content of this volume is the same featured in the original, complete book, with just some more proofreading and small changes. Hopefully, by reading this book, more gamers, developers, youtubers, gaming journalists and historians can look back at what could have been and as a result raise awareness on the preservation of lost games: to see the hidden stories that played a part in leading gaming culture to where it is now. ► Please, consider pledge on Patreon to help Unseen64 to keep the site online and remember more lost games: https://www.patreon.com/unseen64 Unseen64 is an archive to preserve articles, screens and videos for cancelled, beta & unseen videogames. Every change and cut creates a different gaming experience: we would like to save some documents of this evolution for curiosity, historic and artistic preservation. We are a collective of gamers from all around the world, in our limited free time we do the best we can to remember these lost games. You can help too! All Unseen64 videos are published in good faith & fair use, if you find any errors or issues regarding some of them, just let us know. ► Background music used in this video: Mongoloid (Chip Chipping Chips Rmx) by 0r4 https://0r4music.bandcamp.com/album/zeroerrequattro


Robert Dyson

Are the images in colour or black & white?


black & white only for now, as in color it would cost much more (and it's meant to be a low-price edition), but if there's enough request we can always publish a full-color version too in the future! :)


This is a really great idea!


I wish it could have been even cheaper but print-on-demand is still quite expensive :( Did you ever receive the original book for your foundation? :O