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Ciao Everyone! After a slow August in which we were mostly away from our homes, September finally arrived and we’ll be soon back in full to keep working on new Unseen64 adventures

If everything will go as planned, there will be a couple of major projects in the next few weeks.

One year ago we published our book, to celebrate 15 years of existence of our archive of games we’ll never play, and this month we’d like to publish an eBook version and start to re-release the physical book divided into different chapters (8 and 16 bit games, 32 and 64 bit games and so on). With the digital version and the divided volumes the price will be much lower and more people will finally be able to read it! We’d like to send a free copy of the digital version to users who donate 5 $ + / month, stay tuned for more details.

For the site we’ll keep up adding more and more lost games every week as usual, especially the most obscure and unknown ones, those that no one else cares about. That’s our mission, to remember the most forgotten games we’ll never play! Maybe one day we’ll have enough support on Patreon to start adding cancelled games for WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One too… 

For Youtube there are many new videos planned, other than Liam’s series on DYKG as always we’ll have to rely on other friends and collaborators to record English voice-over for videos published directly on our channel but we are happy with the results and we are sure that’s the best way to spread knowledge on lost games today (as it’s easier to watch and share a video than to read and share a text article). As always the plan is to create at least one video each month, hoping that in the future we could gather enough support to invest more hour into Unseen64 and create even more.

At the moment there are a few bugs on the main site, the template is broken and the right menu is not showing properly, we'll work to fix it in the next few weeks :P

In this page you can also find a quick poll that will help us to organize new site updates in the following months: for which consoles would you like to see more lost games archived? Feel free to vote as you please! 

As always, thanks for your support :)


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