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I LOVE the way Buck and Eddie's friendship has developed so quickly. Like, Buck really HATED Eddie at first, his insecurities were getting the better of him and so he just lashed out. But then he very quickly got over that and they instantly became best friends. But then during the Earthquake he quickly realised Eddie was worried about Christopher and was quick to reassure him that he was in a safe place, then drove him to pick Christopher up after everything. Then this episode he drove him to the Hospital, called Bobby ahead to let him know they were bringing Chris to the Station for a while because Eddie had no one to watch him, then called Carla in to help. I just love it. And you can tell it means so much to Eddie. He's clearly struggling, but he also clearly didn't know how to actually ask for help. Like, he obviously has his Abuela and Tia Pepa, but they're not able to help as much as he clearly needs. He's trying to balance having not just a full time job, but a job that is often over 24 hour long shifts, with also being a single parent. It's tough. So to have someone not just see he's struggling, but instantly just step in to help in all these ways like that without even being asked to and with no judgement over the struggle, that would mean the world. And you can see it on his face twice in this episode. First when Bobby tells him that Buck had called ahead to let him know about Chris coming by, and then after Buck explains who Carla is. He doesn't ask for anything in return, he just does it. You can just see how much that means to Eddie and I love them. I love Chimney's story this episode too. I love seeing him finally start to actually deal with the trauma of his accident. That's something I love about this show. Most of the time traumas are not just forgotten. They may go a while before they properly deal with it, but it's brought up and dealt with. Him admitting he remembers everything about it was heartbreaking. It makes total sense that he'd pretend not to. Makes it easier to kinda joke about it and brush it off as just this thing that happened that it's a miracle he survived and all that. But really it's a horrible trauma that he is really struggling with. And it makes sense that seeing Tatiana again would be what brings it all up. Because she left during that traumatic event, and also his pain about their relationship was what caused him to be there for that accident in the first place. And I love that he thanked her for not sticking around. Because as much as it would SUCK to just have your girlfriend ditch you when something like that happens, it would suck more for her to stick around and pretend and for them both to be miserable only for her to leave him when he's better. Could she have done it in a better way? Definitely. She should've gone to see him and actually end things. But she was right to not stick around during that time as it would've just made them both miserable. I'm glad they got to part on good terms here... :) Yeah, Buck living at Abby's is definitely weird. But right before she left they kinda realised he'd pretty much moved in, and so I get the feeling he just stayed there because he was waiting for her to come back, and he was kinda taking care of the place (plus we saw where he was living in S1 once and it was pretty clear he wasn't happy there). Mail, plants, keeping the place in decent condition while she's gone. And they've been talking (though clearly the communication has been pretty rocky) so she obviously knows he's been there. But he's definitely kinda got stuck. He won't truly let himself see that it's likely she's not coming back, no matter how many people tell him. As upsetting as it is, he was clearly way more invested in their relationship than Abby was. When he's in something, he's all in. Like we saw this episode with Eddie, he became friends with Eddie and immediately did all this stuff to help him. It was the same with Abby. The second she needed help finding her Mum, he was there to help. He supported her through losing her Mum and it was clear he was all in. Abby definitely liked him, but she also wasn't as all in as he was. (But really, at this point, she needs to communicate. She needs to actually tell him if she plans to come back or not, and if she wants to continue the relationship. Because it kinda just feels like she's trying to slowly phase herself out of his life by being less constant with communication and not actually just outright breaking up with him... Which isn't cool... Kinda like what I said with Tatiana and how she left Chim. She didn't say anything to him, just ghosted him. She was right to end things, but she didn't ACTUALLY end things. That's kinda where Abby's going too. She doesn't seem to really BE in this relationship anymore, but she also hasn't actually ended it either. Which really sucks... Like, I will never fault someone for not wanting to be in a relationship anymore, it happens and you have every right to end things. But END THINGS! Be clear about what you're doing. Only time it's okay to just leave without formerly breaking up is situations like Maddie's where your life is in danger if you stay or mention leaving.) The proposal was sweet and it breaks my heart that he died! She clearly was someone who wasn't into expensive jewellery and stuff because she believes that money is better used for charity and stuff, and he acknowledged that by instead of buying her an expensive engagement ring, he got her a lolly one... I just find that sorta thing so sweet and romantic! Him dying breaks me every time! :( And yeah, we ALL want to know about how Chimney got his name... 🤣

Adaline Blooms

I love that you like Eddie’s character! How great the 118 were to Christopher and how Buck steps up and helps Eddie make this one of my favorite early episodes.