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This was a rough night be for the people who like Joey and Pacey. I saw the argument at the end a little like if Pacey messes up, maybe she should get upset once in awhile, but she just accepts that be does bad things, messes stuff up. He feels like she just expects him to mess up so maybe when she just accepts that, that’s what makes him angry, not acknowledging any bad things. Bad timing though for it to all go down. Shouldn’t have happened on the boat


It always broke my heart when Pacey said "When I'm with you I feel like a loser" cuz Pacey does have very low self-esteem and at this point its obvious that he feels like he's so far beneath Joey.

Leora Nechama

It definitely wasn't fair to Joey that Pacey took his insecurities out on her. She wanted to make it work. And I don't think he really fell out of love. He might be depressed though and it's not uncommon for those of us with depression to think people are better without us and push people away. Jack and Toby are adorable though.

Leora Nechama

On the other hand I get some of what Pacey means even if he didn't describe it well. Even if it's not such a far distance he knows that college is a world he's not going to be part of. If they're not together everything she's been planning will still happen but she'll be more a part of the college bubble. I didn't dorm in college and just as a commuter I feel like I missed out on a lot of the experience of pulling all nighters writing papers with your roommates doing the same or having dorm movie nights or directly living in the school neighborhood. I feel like the people who dormed had a different closeness I wasn't part of. He wants her to be able to be in the college bubble. A lot of school events are only for students. And he feels like he's going to feel like he's not part of that world. He's not wrong about that. Gretchen is kind of in a similar place of accepting that she's not in the same stage of life as the person she's with and some people can deal with that and some people can't. I get it a little less just because he's really at the tail end of high school going to college next ywar and she is college age. But then again he's going to college and she's not interested in going back to that world so that's still a different space to be in. Even in high school just struggling with depression I felt like I was in a different place as my peers. I wasn't care free thinking about hanging with friends and looking forward to doing college together. I could barely contend with the idea of living past the week half the time. Being in survival mode when the people around you aren't is a different kind of isolation. That said he didn't explain that well.