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emily ღ

some women may choose a different path. not everyone might agree with her, but at the end of the day, it's still her choice. she didn't know they wouldn't be healthy. i have a family member who was a twin that didn't get enough nutrients in the womb while his sibling got the majority, this wasn't discovered until later on. things happen you don't realize until later in the pregnancy. i loved the bit between addie and izzie. while someone may not understand, it's still the woman's choice and she didn't want comments about her choice. addison is really good about that; about teaching empathy and how to deal with patients without making them feel guilt-tripped or judged. i really like that aspect of her character. and yes, for c-sections you're awake but numbed so you don't feel what's happening. they have the sheet there so you don't see what's going on but yeah, you're awake unless something more needs to be done.

emily ღ

also i've never had a c-section but i had an operation on my foot with a similar thing. i had a sheet so i couldn't see and be grossed out, but they just numbed the area and went right to work. while i didn't feel it like you would without anything, i still felt "something" it was like a tingling and i was very aware of the part of my foot being operated on. i wonder if it's the same for a c-section too, or if you really don't feel anything at all. but i do know you are awake during it and can be talking, etc. unless something else needs to be done medically.

Kristal Whalen

Christina could be sending her laundry to a laundry service. All she said is she doesn’t do laundry and she buys new underwear and you assumed that she just wears dirty clothes. 😂😂

emily ღ

yes!! also she throws so much of her energy into her job. a lot of people who are similar to christina (throw their entire being into their passion) are neurodivergent and they'll throw themselves into work, their interest, etc. and dishes, laundry, taking the trash out, easily falls to the wayside. her showing him her place was a vulnerable moment for her. it was a very human moment for her. seeing her home i see someone who comes home at the end of the day utterly worn to the bone. it humanized her, in my opinion.