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Barbie Movie Reaction

  • Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10 14
  • Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9 5
  • A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8 1
  • An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7 3
  • 2023-12-08
  • 23 votes
{'title': 'Barbie Movie Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 8, 4, 24, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 23}







Ally D.

As a kid I played with so many Barbie’s. Lmao they really do just float and teleport. This movie was so much better than anything I even expected a Barbie film to be. I loved going to the theatre and every woman/girl there wearing pink at the showing to celebrate women and Barbie. I went with my mom and my oldest sister who is 9 yrs older but still played with Barbie’s. My mom grew up around all brothers and never really played with Barbie’s at all, but she had watched all 4 of her daughters play/played with us a little, so she did understand the beginning. But I can definitely see the humor being missed if you haven’t played with Barbie’s. That whole monologue by America Ferrera always just hits me in the heart. Also that quote “ "We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.” made my mom ball her eyes out. It really is so true 😭🩷edit: after watching the reaction, I guess it makes sense you don’t understand, since you are a man. That was a lot of criticism by men that they couldn’t find the experience of being a woman relatable, so to them certain parts seem cringy or weird. I guess I can understand that. This film is “preachy” because the whole point is social commentary on the fact that the world is a patriarchy and no matter what women do, we will always been seen as “less than” by men and society as a whole.


as a woman who was once a young girl that loved playing with barbies, i desperately wanted to love this movie. but at the end of the day, i thought it was just okay. i agree with you that it felt super preachy and contrived at times. especially the scene with america ferrera's speech to barbie (i remember sinking into my seat in the theatre and cringing super hard from second hand embarrassment during that scene). also...a lot of the bits with the corporate mattel guys fell flat for me and were not funny. i could've done without the musical/dance scenes too. there is a lot of good woven into the movie as well (most of this is due to margot's amazing performance), but it is by no means a perfect film. personally i'd give it like a 6 out of 10. i saw it when it came out in theatres and just rewatched it again via your reaction...hoping my opinion of the movie might change for the better. but i feel the same way i did before. i notice that sometimes whenever someone voices this opinion to someone who loved the film, their instinct is to get defensive and accuse the other person of not ~getting it~. or they go out of their way to explain the film, hoping it will change the person's mind lol. however, it's possible to get the movie's message and little references, and still think it's not great. either way...thank you for giving your honest opinion/review.


damn, i was kinda disappointed with this reaction.


That scene and monologue was not cringey it was real as hell. And she was angry so that’s why it kept going. What about it was preachy and bad?

Lucile Byrd

This movie was pretty good, though in my opinion Ken carried the film and the fight/song Im Just Ken was the best part!