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Fuiono Ching Sung

So much to unpack here. I'm just gonna say it: I don't love your interpretations of this show. You forgot that Phoebe isn't the only sister who has been training to improve their hand to hand fighting. All three sisters kicked ass in the courtroom fight scene in the season 3 premiere. A few other times this season, we've seen Prue fighting. So her fighting skills are there. Now you take those fighting skills, and amp them up by 1000 when she gets the Empath boost. The actual Empath told Prue that, to get the maximum effect of his power, he channeled it through his hands. His hands became his power conduits. He told her to channel it through her power - which is what we saw happen. Her telekinesis, her fighting, her astral projection - all those became her power conduits. She went Super Saiyan on this fool, including her USING her power in her astral form, which is what she was practicing (and failing) in the beginning of the episode. You completely missed the insane moment where Prue and Astral Prue were both awake and smiled at each other - something that NEVER happens - which drew a raised eyebrow from Piper that you also missed. She pulled a Neo from the Matrix on the demon, and you missed that visual reference too. Leo wasn't down there with Prue and the Empath to save the day. He was there to orb the Empath out of there if needed, should Prue become overwhelmed and her power blasts out of control from her again. Yet another thing you spent entirely way too much time obsessing over. Cole wasn't fighting against the kiss. He was fighting his growing feelings for Phoebe. Prue literally told you how deep Cole was falling. Your statement "It IS weird that Phoebe is down bad like this, right?" shows you don't get that they're both in the same place. The only difference is Phoebe has no conflict, whereas Cole is deeply conflicted. He's a demon. One of the baddest actually. You keep missing the fact that multiple demons that have implied that something is off with him, and that maybe he's gotten too close to these witches, because he shows glimpses of some seriously non-demon (and non-evil) behavior. And that's because Phoebe has gotten past his armor. But you don't seem to have fully grasped that yet. Of course Phoebe is "down bad" for Cole. Thanks to their visit to the past on Halloween, she thinks Cole is her destined true love. And in the 90s, relationships moved a lot faster than what you're probably accustomed to these days. I'm a little surprised you didn't catch the two Buffy connections in this episode: the Empath that cursed the demon w/ his power was the Mayor from Buffy season 3. And Prue getting a power that she initially was excited about having and using to her advantage, only to become completely overwhelmed by her new "gift" always reminded me of the Buffy season 3 episode Earshot, where she developed telepathic powers after she absorbed the blood of a demon she slayed and gained "an aspect of the demon" (in this case, its telepathic powers). There was nothing wrong with how they ended this episode. Just the way you missed key events and info due to spending too much time talking about something that happened 3 scenes back. I'd still put the episode at a solid 8...but your reaction at about a 6.


i agree he obsesses over little things way to much and misses a lot of the other things

Lucile Byrd

It is very frequent where he misses both things that are clearly and obviously spelled out, as well as the subtle actions and facial expressions that provide just as much info as the conversations he talks over. I enjoy watching the reactions, but is is getting harder when he makes a judgement call about an episode over a milisecond (usually at the beginning) and then harps on about it during the entire episode instead of watching it...truly hope that changes so i can truly enjoy most of his reactions again.