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Not sure if it was mentioned on live so I'll mention it here. The reason the first episode of season 2 feels like a soft reboot is because the actress who plays Olivia was not confident about returning to the show which put the show in a strange position. They originally were not going to have Liv survive the car accident and Megan Markle's new character would integrate into her role.


Hahaha all I am going to say about Charlie.. don’t give up. On what? I cannot say!


This is also where the show takes off. I cannot wait for you to get further into the show! There is so much lore coming.


To be fair, we all hate that Charlie died, I think I whinge about it everytime it happens. That being said, this is a show about alternate universes so nothing is lost forever. This episode is great, how Olivia returned, how the Fringe division is going to kind of call the shots going forward etc. It feels like a reboot/reintroduction because it is. The show was not a ratings winner and was constantly on the bubble. They wanted to try and get some new viewers which is hard because the show can be complicated. Rumor is Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson apparently didn't get on so she wasn't sure she wanted to return. I'm glad she decided to stay, Olivia is the heart of the show.


Ha, I knew you were going to haaate what happened in this episode. Sorry for your loss. :) As for the re-exposition of what we already knew... the show had had very marginal reception in its first season (with both critics and viewers), so with this second season they figured that many might be seeing it for the first time, and would need some help.