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OMG Yes! Can’t wait to watch this one!!! Steven please remember for the next episode, for the finale, to skip the credits AFTER THE INTRO! Not the intro itself just the credits as soon as the intro song is over try not to glance below during the first scene after, to not be spoiled on something in the finale!!


Thank you for the reaction. Please try to react to the finale as soon as you can this week, if possible, so that the stories from this episode are fresh in your mind. It's so satisfying when a lot of stories come to a head and unravel a narrative. I cannot wait. This is one of those episodes which has absolutely everything you can love about Fringe. It had humour, heart, intrigue, sadness, relationship building and mystery. I am kinda upset you looked away for most of the scene between Olivia (and yes, that was her) and Walter. Every reactor that watched that scene almost or actually cried as John Noble gave one hell of a performance. I don't know why from every episode you seem (i am not sure if you remember) surprised when the concept of a parallel universe is brought up. We first learn about it in episode 14 when David Robert Jones is testing Olivia for abilities and they first discover the manuscript which tells about a upcoming war against another universe for survival, then in episode 17 when Nick Lane has a similar story for the people at the asylum when he tells them he is preparing for war, and again in this episode. haha. Anyways, I could say so much more about things but for now I'll leave it at that since I don't want to write a novel about it and now I am looking forward to the finale and want to see what you remembered from this season, because the show assumes you remember :D Thanks and until next time...


Ah the Road Not Taken is a great episode. The case is super interesting, and we finally get to see some alternate universe stuff becoming more concrete. I do think you missed some things when Olivia got her glimpses, stuff that will be more important later. I thought your reaction to Olivia confronting Walter at the end was so odd lol. Of course it was really her. She's mad. I think she would have confronted Walter whether Peter was there or not, it just happened that way but she finally has proof that Walter did experiments on her and she's angry. We can't really fault her for that. The things Walter knowingly did in the past coming back to bite him in the ass will occur over and over throughout the series. The observer finally makes a real appearance. The finale is a banger but I am really excited for you to get to season two and beyond. Fringe gets better and better imo.