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best movie and book in the franchise imo. can't wait to watch this later!


i can see your point about it not making sense that the gamemaker would put katniss in so many risky situations if his motive was to protect her all along. he was just determined to keep up the rouse. also, there's a scene earlier in the movie that kind of hints at the heavensbee's loyalty to katness. during the scene while they're dancing...he flat out tells her that he came here for her/because he was inspired by her. i can see how this line would come off a bit sinister or disingenuous at first...but seeing how the movie ends, he 100% meant it.


About the new movie coming out this year, you should definitely go check it out if you're at all interested in Snow and why he seems to have such a deeply rooted hatred for Katniss. I read the book, and if the movie stays true to the source material then it should add a very good extra layer of context to the original movies.


The end goal was never really about just saving Katniss. Its all about revolution. That's why all the scenes with Katniss in the games that show things in not advantageous light for the Capitol and Snow were shown to the public. Her purpose was not so much to survive, but to inspire districts and rile the revolution (and for that, she has to be in those situations that make her show her bravery, and emotion, and defiance) I think Plutarch came back as the game maker to have some control over that, but that doesn't mean he could simply save her. It's not that easy. The whole premise of the books and movies is a deconstruction of the media and reality TV, and show business hiding behind this dystopian reality. I can't wait for your reactions to the last 2 movies(and *fingers crossed* the prequel)


The games maker never put her in too much danger on purpose. He wasn't controlling the fog, that was one of the automatic hourly traps. And he spun the centre when they were under attack, and stopped it the moment she fell off.