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Great reaction! Be careful about those "vibes" you get though :) -- often enough you're on to something, but sometimes a kiss goodnight is just a kiss goodnight, and not a signal of abandonment!


Solid episode, not one of my favourites by any means, but it developed a lot more things than I remembered. I forgot that the mother of the lab assistant (Carla) was in this episode. It was such an emotional scene at the end but I think you didn't quite feel it because you were distracted thinking about the fire. And the answer is no, we don't know what started the fire. I am not even sure Walter knows anymore, or has a memory of it. It is meant to be a mystery. The thing with the sister (Rachel) and Peter is interesting development. It is more interesting to me not the fact that there is an attraction between Rachel and Peter but more about Olivia's reaction to it. The case is ok. I really like that you enjoy these out there cases with gore and other stuff, since it is what puts people off this show which is a shame since it develops into such a complex story where character development (a trait which is good for any show) matters most. Think about how much character development we had so far already. These characters, when they met (i think it's also the point) were at the lowest points in their lives, Olivia at her loneliest, Peter at his angriest, and Walter at its most lost and crazy point in his life. This team they now form it is staring to heal them and help them develop nicely, don't you think? Even Astrid, I feel like when the show started she was at the most ''invisible'' or shyest point in her life, and now she is starting coming into her own. Just my two cents. Stick with the show, you will find out so much info it's crazy. I honestly feel you are not as engaged yet as in other shows, and hope that changes. I don't see you feel the moments as highly yet, the tense moments, the emotional ones, etc. I am really glad you are curious to find more info, and trust me you will. Until next time..