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The fact that you're that heated in defense of Jenny is wild to me. Because there have been moments when you've shown as much distaste for her as you have for Serena so I'm like damn when did you join the Jenny defense squad?? Personally, I don't like either of them and that's never wavered throughout the seasons. However, the fact that you went from such an extreme dislike of Jenny to not wanting to watch the show without her on it should be enough proof to you that the writers can make you like characters that you previously hated and that should make you want to continue watching. I mean, that said, if you really don't like the show then you should definitely stop watching. I think season 4 and 5 are the best but you're probably expecting different things from the show than I did when I watched.


Not liking Serena is honestly a good enough reason to not want to watch the show though - I'll give you that. She's technically the star even though it's an ensemble cast. Most of the characters are connected through her and wouldn't have ever interacted without her being a mutual friend so most storylines fall back to her just based on that alone. I'm just able to detach my dislike of her from the characters' love for her. She's not my friend who I've known since kindergarten nor my first love so obviously I would judge her more harshly than the characters would since there's no personal connection to her.


Just to clarify—no one thinks it was rape. The characters all know that they both slept together willingly. Not sure why you jumped to that. When I first watched it, it seemed pretty clear everyone knows they just slept together. Blair is just heartbroken and angry, and she’s always hated Jenny so that was a sore spot regardless. Dan punched Chuck because he was being the protective older brother, not because he thinks she was assaulted. From what I remember, I think Jenny left the show because the actress wanted to leave to pursue her music career full time. She’s the band leader for The Pretty Reckless. So they had to write her off pretty quickly, that’s why her storyline wraps up in such a weird way. The writers didn’t have much of a say for her to be around since she wanted out. Totally understandable if you don’t want to watch the show anymore! But there are a few storylines in seasons 4 and 5 that would be fun to see you react to :)

Madison Walberry

been refreshing patreon waiting for this!!! 😭😭 can’t wait for you to get to S4, so many fun twists

Omar Vargas

Replace the show with Dark and make it weekly

Madison Walberry

tbh i have always believed that S4 is the best season - i’m glad you’ll watch the premiere - but please PLEASE watch the 2nd episode too because it’s kinda like a two part premiere


I love how you trash talk Serena, you're right she is the worst bc she never has to face the consequences of her actions. I think you're gonna be pleasantly surprised by season 4 though ;)


I think it's not that he looooves Jenny but that she is at least interesting and this episode she really didn't do much wrong. imho sending her away was still the right thing to do, clearly being part of the upper east side elite has done her no good and she needs to figure herself out.


I definitely don’t think she’s his favourite character but he’s definitely been a big Jenny supporter for the past few episodes - which is fine! I’m actually glad that he grew to like her since it gave him a reason to keep watching. But yeah, I also agree that her leaving was good for her character and not necessarily some form of punishment for her.


I'll never understand Jenny's defense; she's been attempting to play the villain since season one. That was her whole character from the start: trying to take over Blair's life. Sure, she's had some good moments but overall, this is who Jenny has always been. And as long as she is in this Upper East Side world, it's how she'd remain. The best thing for the character is to get her away from all of it. This show was created for those who enjoy wild soap-opera drama and twists, and who will root for the core four, no matter how out of touch with reality they may be. This season was one of my favorites, but only if you like Serena, Blair, and Chuck. Nate, I suppose, because he is a member of the NJBC, but the guy has no personality, so it's difficult for me to care about him. I feel that the majority of fans were focused on Chair this season and the strong storyline that was being built up, therefore the finale was wonderful for us (although in the worst way for the ship). You were preoccupied with other things, therefore I don't think it hit the same for you. Nothing wrong with that, it just led you in a whole different direction. If you decide not to continue, I would be annoyed as I think you need to know how this all ends; I want to see if that changes things for you regarding the entire series. Also, I think season four will bring some things you never saw coming for this show so I hope you continue. I do think you need to stop taking every storyline and choice so seriously though. It's meant to be a playful, crazy, fun show set in a messed-up reality where rich teenagers act like royalty. ❤️


Steven's rant at the end of the episode is just as funny now as it was the first time! 😂


Please, for the love of God, continue to angry watch the show!! It's so entertaining it's crazy. Your rants are the best!!! This is gold!


I mean, he is right though Jenny hasn’t done as much wrong this season as she has in the past or at least it’s been kinda understandable. This whole season was actually proof how terrible it’s been for Jenny mentally to be involved with all this rich people crap. So her wanting to leave makes sense.


Her wanting her family to go back to normal is understandable but her deliberately hurting her brother and dad to make it happen isn’t. She’s a young teenager so I understand that she won’t always make sound decisions but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for her to do. Her constantly trying to get in between Nate and Serena (whether Serena was great this season or not) also wasn’t her place and she acted out to do that. Her own family turning against her because she acted out in a, seemingly, small way looks harsh but we also can’t expect them to not see it as her going back to old patterns and it’s weird to blame them for being hurt by her actions when we’ve seen her deliberately mistreat them and their feelings previously.


Jenny hasn't done much wrong this season??? That's shocking to read. Have we become so accustomed and desensitised to bad behaviours on this show, that what she does doesn't seem bad anymore? Her manipulating Nate and trying to destroy a relationship alone is horrible. What about her drug dealing buddy? She's worse now than she ever was imo


There is so much more stupidity to come I think his blood pressure would suffer 🤣