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jamie cane

Reasons why they do that at the end one is in every episode there's an a for a in the director or writers I don't remember exactly who made that a thing or producers anyway Second reason is cuz it just gives you not clues but it gives you stuff in future episodes where you're like oh shoot that happened and that episode at the end and good example is the trophy that the girls found a had it first and Framed/tricked them


The picture of Kate was her face swollen and broken out from the bugs at that camp. You’re right, it is dumb but you do have to remember that they are in high school.

I Am Not Chamari

I do think it’s dumb, and something that can’t be helped obviously, but even in my adult years, I wouldn’t want anyone seeing pictures of me having an allergic reaction to something. Idk why, but it’s still so embarrassing to me .

I Am Not Chamari

Omg the ending -A scenes have always been one of my favorite parts of the show. I think you’re misunderstanding the function of them. While there are technically clues that might lead you to think about the identity of -A, (everything is a clue if you watch closely enough!) the function of the end scene is to show you what -A’s next moves are/what they’re currently doing. There are tons of examples of this. In the first season, we saw -A recover Jenna’s therapist files from the lake, which we saw get used against the Liars at a later time. We saw that -A killed the Spencer mouse using the trophy, which means that she was her next target (and then she was set up to be the person of interest next episode!) We saw -A loosen up the scaffolding this season, wipe Emily’s hard drive, buy Melissa’s ring, put Ian’s phone in Spencer’s purse, put HGH in Emily’s cream and so much more. Instead of just hearing about what -A is doing to the girls, we get to see -A pulling the strings and planning things out. This ending is actually quite simple. 1. -A has access to Peter’s office. 2. - A now has a GUN. Lol That’s huge. And Peter is without one. I hate how the show really shows Aria getting along with people her age and STILL choose to go the Ezria route. Aria’s entire social life is Ezra, like, she deserves to be a kid and have fun! I’ll reiterate that Hanna was VERY MUCH against getting Caleb involved in the first place, so I hesitate to agree with you when you say that Hanna put him in this place. Not to mention that she did pretty much tell him about -A in the end. She didn’t name it, but she specifically said someone is threatening us and she has no idea here, and she’s afraid of what will happen if people find out that her mother stole money. I also think you’re a little too hard on Spencer. Like, she made a decision to keep Toby safe, but she does get to be sad about him no longer being in her life bc it IS sad.

I Am Not Chamari

Oh, and Byron is literally just trying to get Ezra away from her daughter. Sending him to Louisiana under the guise of an amazing job opportunity that he definitely doesn’t deserve (seriously, why do all dudes like Ezra fail up?) is a great tactic.

emily ღ

lmao i'd be sending his ass up to antarctica or something if that was my daughter but then again (poor penguins can deal with him lol) but for real ezra does not deserve these things and failing up is exactly how it always seems to go with him! at least byron is trying to do something i suppose though giving any kind of props to that man still feels ick


adding to the inferences we could make from this A tag: 3. assuming the gun is registered to peter, A can find a way to use it against spencer - whether to frame peter or spencer for some crime involving the gun, or plant it on spencer (like in her bag, locker, car) and orchestrate her being caught with it that causes trouble,, or use it as leverage to get spencer to do things (like when A stole the cash from the lasagna box at the marins' and made hanna do various things to get some of it back).


some of the A tags at the end are better than others, but they can hint at things that are coming (like loosening the scaffolding) or follow-up on something that's already happened (like when the woman at the bead store tells A she did just what A wanted, re: misleading spencer). they sometimes give us clues about A's identity - like when A collected their hoodie and gloves from the coat check after a school dance and ella smiles and says she hopes A had a good time (this tells us A is someone whose presence at a high school dance wouldn't cause confusion or raise alarm - so, maybe a rosewood student, or someone young enough they could be the date of a rosewood student, or a rosewood teacher or parent or other chaperone? not someone who comes off like an obvious creeper (totally unnecessary, when there are already creepers like ezra and ian seeming to belong)). i liked them - they usually gave me something to file away as a clue or make guesses about during the week between episodes.


Pretty Little Liars is fantasy. People need to get over. Constantly complaining about the main pairing of the show is not entertaining. Ian, Jason, Garrett, Holden are all older. These girls are also not innocent. Theirs killers and liars as well. If Aria and Ezra relationship bothers you all so much, DO NOT Watch. So its legal in Pennsylvania the legal age is 16, the illegal part is he was her teacher and thats why he quit. I's 39 and when is was 18 my boyfriend was 25, 16 my boyfriend was 21. I always dated older guys; younger guys didn't interest me.