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You mentioned the episode would have been better if done straight through instead of Groundhog Day style. I disagree. It has a different impact the way it is. When Joey first goes into dawsons you don’t know that dawson knows so it has a different feeling when you see it again via dawson view. I like how they did the episode


And to add to the format it builds suspense. You see it from the views in order of Pacey, Joey, dawson. When we see Pacey first we hear from Jen that Joey confessed she wants Pacey and we are left wondering why we didn’t see that, then Joey telling Pacey she just talked to dawson but we don’t see it wondering what Joey and Dawson said. Then Stuff gets revealed as we see the other characters views. I enjoyed the change.


Love this ep, love Pacey, hate Dawson, rant over.


Interesting that you didn't like the formatting considering how popular this episode and one of the reason it is is because of the structure. This episode is actually one of the highest rated of the show as a whole. The style of storytelling they do here is called Rashomon style and its use is to give audiences the ability to what would normally be one persons perspective of a story told through multiple lenses. While this type of filming had been used in film a lot it was a risk for tv but paid off again seeing as how its not only highly rated but also often listed within the top 10 best episodes of the show. It's also most of the writers on the show favorite episodes. Just a little background!


I think it was a great style choice to tell the day through everyones perspectives because while you're watching Joey and Pacey navigate their love story this episode reminds you how much their love story impacts those around them. The two of them have been such a unit all season even before this romantic story, with them always being paired off as friends all season. I think this was supposed to break their Pacey and Joey bubble into reality. Dawson's reaction is one I can't stand because while he can be hurt with Pacey he constantly reminds the audience how little he truly cares or values Pacey in his life and this is one of those moments to me. Degrading Pacey's opinions on relationships by telling Joey "this is about sex or he'll want sex" knowing that he recently had a long relationship with Andy. Also him demanding Joey make a choice? She wasn't cheating on Dawson. They haven't been together for a year its gross to put her in that situation and shows that he wants her when she's not available.


Absolutely love this episode. Love the structure the story. The acting is outstanding, That scene between Joey and Dawson in his room after he finds out and then pacey crying at the end 😩😍 breaks my heart

Kristal Whalen

I understand why you don’t like the back and forth but this story couldn’t be told without the other glimpses of pov. You’re not supposed to know Dawson knew anything until the end or his pov. When you see him and joeys convo in her pov you look at it oh what a coincidence that Dawson is watching a movie that almost perfectly fits the situation. When you realize he knew you realized he put on that movie to see Joeys reaction to it.

Kristal Whalen

Little nuances that we wouldn’t have been able to really see if understand if we had all the pieces of the puzzle