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While the show was airing yes there was a large portion of fans that were rooting for him and Peyton. Like a lot. Upon rewatching and the rediscovery of the show most fans are rooting for him and Brooke. I was also rooting for him and Peyton for the same reasons I think you want it to be her only to put the story to rest. I was tired of their on and off so that's why I always say I was team Peyton just because I wanted to get something different than they're on and off. But I will say when this finale aired it aired with the understanding that whoever he chose was it. This was his landing space. So with that in mind it didn't matter if it was Peyton or not I was just happy for some sort of Lucas love square resolution. As for you wondering about Brooke and Doctor Copeland, yes, they were originally going to have them be love interests but they abandoned the storyline and decided on something different.


"Was anyone wanting that?" Uh, YES!!! Leyton always. The watch parties (in person and online) we had all over the country for this finale and the premiere of S6: sure there were Team Brookes and a couple Team Lindseys (but people were rather mean to her back then), but yeah, plenty of Team Leyton shippers. I haven't compared them to Roschel for no reason. In my opinion, Peyton is the only person Luc was ever peaceful with, no drama, just... bliss. He cheated on everyone else (other than Anna), and lied to them and himself while with them... so I don't think I would be okay shipping him with Brooke or Lindsey. That being said, I did enjoy him with both. To be honest, Lucas is just a weird character in the fact that he knows what he wants, but refuses to allow himself to go after it so he'll mope and complain about his women problems instead of doing something about it. This has been his problem since the 2nd episode of season 1. 😂


Aw, I didn't know they were going to have that be a love interest for Brooke but I could for sure feel the chemistry. I wish they had explored that.


i guess leyton fans actually existed once upon a time but most of the fanbase hates them now ! as they should 🤭

Mariella Nilsson

Peyton and lucas understand eachother and make sense togheter. Their artistic souls makes them difficult but perfect in my book!

I Am Not Chamari

Leyton is sort of unpopular now, but there is a very robust fanbase for them till this day and I am a part of it. I'm finally going to join back into these reactions once you start Season 6. I avoided Season 5 for Leyton-related reasons. I have never in my life rooted for Lucas and Brooke because it was so painfully obvious that that boy was in love with Peyton the entire time. Look back on literally every single fight Lucas and Brooke have had and it all leads back to Peyton. Even the reason why Lucas and Brooke connected in the first place was because they were both rescuing and taking care of Peyton! It's always been Lucas and Peyton! It's very interesting to see what couples people root for in certain shows and what couples people don't like in other shows, even if they have a lot of similarities. Leyton is compared to Roschel for really good reasons. People say they hate them for "the cheating' but come on. So many popular couples have cheated on each other and with each other. It's what television does! Anyways, Leyton for the win!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Jamie's literally the best thing to happen in OTH. I was SO inpatient to get to him, having to wait 4 seasons lol. WE'RE ALMOST AT SEASON 6!!!!! The Peyton/Lucas stuff is meh but everything else is pretty awesome! Can't wait! I think Haley and Lucas used to throw water balloons down at random people too. It was just coincidence that Haley managed to throw one down at Dan the other time... I'm NOT a big Leyton fan, but I think they're least annoying together rather than with other people and still doing their weird Leyton stuff behind their partners' backs. So, you know what, go ahead Leyton. Do you. At least this way people like Lindsey, Brooke and poor Jake won't get hurt (still salty that they ended Jake and Peyton due to a Lucas related reason!) I feel like part of my issue with Leyton is that the other characters are often just PUSHING the Leyton agenda TO Lucas and Peyton. There won't be any chemistry, any scenes of them doing anything but having an awkward smile and saying bye, but there will inevitably be anothrt character just in hearing shot who will go *wink**wink* right after like they'd just had a romantic moment. Even during the whole Lindsey debacle. Peyton will try to let go or even do her bitchy "I want nothing to do with either of them" (understandably) act and other characters will be like "you two are meant to be" or "give him time". And though we know from Luke’s actions that he did still have feelings for Peyton, it might just be residual feelings but they wrote him begging for Lindsey, even in this episode, but then other characters will jump down his throat and say "but WHAT DO YOU WANT, LUKE!?!?!?" Ngl, makes me feel like Leyton just got together cuz all their friends want them together. Might be art imitating life cuz I feel like Leyton also got together cuz the fans wanted Leyton. Lindsey's a class act, though. She gave Luke a better goodbye here then Luke gave Peyton in that hotel room. Getting left at the altar was a bad decision on her part but still can't fault her for not going through with a marriage where she'd constantly be the 2nd woman her husband loves. Dan being a total sociopath is just creepy. He hasn't changed. Just look at the way he talks to Deb. He's utterly freakish this episode. I'd NEVER let my kid near him. I'd just tell him the truth. "You can't hang out with grandpa Dan cuz he killed someone we loved." End of. I love Brooke so much. She did such an amazing thing for Angie. Don't agree that Brooke was Luke’s best girlfriend. She was insecure as hell with him (as was justified since he kept cheating on her with her best friend) and turned into a super clingy girlfriend. He didn't deserve her then and he definitely doesn't deserve the powerhouse she's turned into now. Lucas has ALWAYS run away from his girl problems. Even back in season 1. Ended the season running off with Keith cuz he couldn't handle the mess he made with Peyton and Brooke. Ran straight into Lindsey's arms cuz he couldn't handle being told he had to wait to marry Peyton. About a thousand different instances in between. That's kinda his shtick.


I am a ride or die Brucas shipper. That is all i will say.


Yes, people very much hoped Lucas picked Peyton. Mostly bc we all knew that’s where his true heart lies. He does this every single time Peyton pulls away - he finds a rebound and focuses all his love for Peyton on that person. In season 1 it was Brooke, season 5 it was Lindsay. I am not spoiling who he calls at the end but to me back then Peyton was the only one that made sense. My personal opinion: Lucas is not worthy of any of these gorgeous women. He is indecisive, asks too much of a partner and makes very dumb impulsive decisions in his love life. Though I could see that Peyton had his heart from the jump and every other woman he dated never felt as much of “true love“ as her. But the way they wrote their story in season 5 was annoying as hell and dragged down both characters unnecessarily.


I’m glad they didn’t go that route bc everything Brooke gets to do in season 6 instead is so freaking good 👏


season 6 is better than season 5 imho and it focuses on much more interesting stories.


Yes! So excited for season 6! We get some really good storylines in this one!

blugirlami21 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-13 02:33:23 I'm never quite sure why they put Brooke in that last scene but I guess it didn't look as good with two girls. There would be no reason him to ask or for her to say yes. Brooke has moved far beyond Lucas and she is focusing on what she wants which is to be a mother. Its so nice for her to have a storyline that
2023-05-13 00:32:07 I'm never quite sure why they put Brooke in that last scene but I guess it didn't look as good with two girls. There would be no reason him to ask or for her to say yes. Brooke has moved far beyond Lucas and she is focusing on what she wants which is to be a mother. Its so nice for her to have a storyline that is not about a man or a bad relationship. Which is what Brucas was. I actually think Leyton's fan base is probably the same size it was, we're just less vocal because of the outcome. Season five is the roughest season by far for Leyton though so I will be happy to move beyond it.

I'm never quite sure why they put Brooke in that last scene but I guess it didn't look as good with two girls. There would be no reason him to ask or for her to say yes. Brooke has moved far beyond Lucas and she is focusing on what she wants which is to be a mother. Its so nice for her to have a storyline that is not about a man or a bad relationship. Which is what Brucas was. I actually think Leyton's fan base is probably the same size it was, we're just less vocal because of the outcome. Season five is the roughest season by far for Leyton though so I will be happy to move beyond it.


My order of seasons is: Season 3 > Season 7 > Season 9 > Season 4 > Season 6 > Season 5 > Season 2 > Season 1 > Season 8 So imho season 6 is pretty good, I really loved what they did with Brooke that season and especially the first couple episodes hit really hard. Season 5 was not bad by all means, just the whole Lucas love drama dragged a bit.


I agree but I think bc Lucas and Brooke became such good friends and he is suuuuuper impulsive it wasn’t completely out the window to think he called Brooke. But I personally prefer their friendship over their relationship as well.


I totally agree about Lucas constantly running away from his issues. I don’t think Lucas and Peyton were beinng pushed together though - it’s just that Lucas has a tendency of putting all his love and energy on another person when he feels hurt by Peyton. That’s what he did with Brooke and with Lindsay (completely unfair to both of them btw). He focused so much on getting her back instead of reflecting his feelings and asking himself why did I then write a book about my love for someone else? Why did I then kiss Peyton? Him running away is always him running to somebody else bc he needa to put his love onto someone. I think Lindsay handled that like a champ. I was very glad Lucas made a final decision so that this whole mess can be put to bed and we can focus on more interesting stuff now.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I just wished that they had SH OWN us the Leyton love and chemistry rather than have other characters TELL us that it exists. It didn't feel like there were any real scenes of them actually being in love for us to reach this point. Peyton's always begging for him to love her and he's just stoically looking at her and saying "I love Lindsey". Peyton's being sad and maudlin and everyone's telling her she and Luke have such amazing history together meanwhile Luke is off telling Lindsey how much he wants a future with her. There needed to be more Leyton being in love and Luke struggling with his decision between the two women moments if we're to believe that despite Lindsey, the woman he's been begging to come back to him just twenty minutes ago, calling and telling him she loves him (and scared of the immensity of his love? Really? She ran out on him because she believed him to be in love with another woman. Where's this bit coming from now?), he MIGHT be calling Peyton to ask HER to marry him. Maybe it's the writers' strike but they didn't write this well enough...


Same. It was nice to see them just be friends this season. Felt like Brooke was on a different show at times this season for sure.