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Just for context, at the time this aired gay people would not allowed to legally marry for another 15 or so years and there were people trying to prevent gay couples from adopting. Thankfully, shows like this one helped pave the way for us to have Cam and Mitch and Lily accepted on primetime television. Believe it or not both Friends and especially this show were considered "racy" sitcoms, which is pretty funny by today's standards. But i the late 90s a man using innuendo to tell another man to use protection if he hooks up with a dude was groundbreaking.

Robke (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-09 12:18:36 Hey Brian. I noticed May list did not include Will & Grace, nor it had Revenge or True Blood. I'm curious did people who originally requested first few episodes stop? Or will this become regular
2023-05-09 04:37:52 Hey Brian. I noticed May list did not include Will & Grace, nor it had Revenge or True Blood. I'm curious did people who originally requested first few episodes stop? Or will this become regular

Hey Brian. I noticed May list did not include Will & Grace, nor it had Revenge or True Blood. I'm curious did people who originally requested first few episodes stop? Or will this become regular

Other Boy Reactions

People may be alternating between different shows that they request. I’ve been alternating between True Blood and Sex and the City for my requests.😄


Well I'm glad you're requesting both of these 😄