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Kristal Whalen

“You bought me a wall?!?” Ahh the next few episodes all the way to the finale get better and better


(Being vague here that only people who watched will know what I mean without spoilers) I got myself a T-shirt with a photo of their characters in front of the wall with the saying Pacey says reguarding wall later. And another T-shirt of dawson and the infamous meme. They go together as a combo I think, lol. I’m going to Wilmington in just under 2 months for 4th July holiday for 5 days. Visiting lots of stuff dawson related and me and my travel buddy are wearing those 2 shirts as we walk around, lol. I’ll prob visit some one tree hill places also. My rental is one block from ‘Joey’s Wall’ Im planning to move to that town in a few years.