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Somehow I never put it together until now, but Skills putting down his laptop screen was him watching Deb lol. I know you didn't like the baby thing originally but it seems like you've come around on that storyline overall at least. I assume Haley would have called Nathan after she found Jamie so I didn't need to see it on camera, but I guess they could have extended that story a bit to add more dialog and show Haleys confliction over family vs music. Overall it was a great episode and I like that they ended with the "I hate you" vs a cliche hookup.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

HA! I KNEW Steven was gonna laugh his ass off at the "I hate you" and it was STILL funny lol. Yeah, I blame both Lucas and Peyton too. I only disagree with the percentage A LITTLE. The reasoning part only, though. The book was a legitimate reason but it should have happened WAY sooner. Lindsey was a nice person and she totally didn't deserve what happened but there was no way the book was somehow the first and final sign for her to realize that Lucas was still in love with Peyton. She shouldn't have said yes and she should have booked it the hell out of that town. She didn't deserve to be 2nd place in anyone's life. Luke blaming Peyton is VERY on brand for him, though. He never takes responsibility for his fuck ups in his relationships. And he repeats the same cycle over and over again. I've repeated this a million times now but I'm so friggin glad Brooke is not a part of that cycle anymore. Sucks for Lindsey but Brooke is THRIVING without Lucas and his emotional messes. Peyton would have been such a great character without him, too. All of her music stuff...PERFECTION. Her being there with Brooke with the baby stuff...AMAZING. And then Lucas comes into the picture and it's all suck town. We could have totally opened with it being 5 years later and Peyton and Jake and baby-now-kid Jenny being back together and better than ever.