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Glee "Dreams Come True" 6x13 Reaction (Steven)

  • Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10 4
  • Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9 6
  • A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8 8
  • An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7 3
  • 2023-05-04
  • 21 votes
{'title': 'Glee "Dreams Come True" 6x13 Reaction (Steven)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 4, 0, 57, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 21}







Reasons I disliked the finale

Sue Sylvester whole President story

Rachel being Pregnant for Kurt and Blaine during the prime of her career, no way the Rachel we knew would do that.

Rachel ending up with Jesse is lazy, her and Sam ending randomly and just us forgetting about it

Sam being in charge of Glee when he was a literal moron for the last 3 seasons. The character he was when he gave that speech is a character we never saw.

The Glee Club with a it all and we don’t get to see it. Didn’t hate it but didn’t love it.

Things I liked

Every about Will Schuesters ending

Mercedes Ending was also solid

Artie/Tina was solid but wish they would have don’t maybe something at all during the last 3 seasons to build that a little.

Kurt/Blaine in NY thriving

Rachel winning a Tony

The ending with everyone coming back and singing

Last thing I will say that is 100% a me thing is that I didn’t know or really like any of the songs in the final episode.

If you liked the finale that’s fine, I think for me the better ending is the 2 episodes before. I think they are both endings that I enjoy more and hit me more emotionally.

In he end I would give the finale a 7/10



I'm glad that they didn't do Don't Stop Believing as the final song tbh, I really liked I Lived. And yeah pretty sure the only ones who didn't return for that were Marley, Rory (think it was something with his band) and Myron (since they couldn't really make it look like he aged five years lol).

Avalon Perry

I’m surprised you disliked the finale so much, from what I understand most fans are pretty happy with it. This episode is actually one of the highest rated episodes from the whole show, only one episode is rated higher.

james cedro

This was a really good episode ..I don’t quite understand why you didn’t like it. It’s always weird to me when a episode isn’t written or done the way you would have done it that you hate it. Sometimes wish you could try and enjoy an episode for what it is instead of what you wish they had done.


I think you're definitely in the minority of fans here lol. I think most people liked the ending a lot. I'm okay with Sam leading the club, because of when Schue asked him to step up during that Nationals they dedicated to Finn. I can see him growing into the role. They've done Don't Stop Believing so many times at this point it wouldn't have hit the same in the last episode. This version of I Lived always makes me think about Finn and Cory and I always cry. There's been talks about rebooting, but I honestly hope it never happens. Most of the cast is pretty removed from it and there's so much tragedy surrounding cast members, it just feels like it should be left alone and enjoyed as it is. I also don't think I would care about new characters.


Don’t think I could ever do that. I can’t enjoy something I genuinely think is bad and be true to myself. It would be a lie if I said I enjoyed that ending just because I didn’t want to annoy anyone.


You had pretty much the same reaction I did watching this 8 years ago and this is my first rewatch since. I was familiar with the songs but didn't think they went with the episode. I've always felt Ryan Murphy's series finale was the 100th episode and everything after that was a weird dream. The Sam ending didn't bug me because that made sense for Season 3 Sam but they made him dumber and weirder in later seasons. If you ever wanted to do a season 1-3 rewatch that could be cool.


I actually agree with Steven. I thought the finale was kinda boring with some strange choices. And the song choices were not great, especially for the series' Finale. I also enjoyed previous 2 episodes way more.

Liv Heskett

Listen I understand not liking the ending. It wasn’t an ideal ending. I peso ally still enjoy it but I think something to keep in mind always is that season 5 and 6 had to be scrapped and basically rewritten to accommodate the loss of Cory. Sam and Jessie kind of split what his story line would have been. We wouldn’t have gotten either of those relationships. We have NO idea truly what plot lines were written to fill that void in the script. The reason why a lot of things feel undeveloped is because ya probably the show had lost its spark but imagine having a whole ending in mind and all of a sudden the main focus of that is gone. Because as much as we like to think Rachel is the “main character” Fin was the heart. So as I totally understand some of your gripe about it, I think it’s important to consider that it was not ideal circumstances and if I’m being honest there was no saving the show after Cory passed. There are a few good episodes here and there and I enjoy watching all of them but it’s just not the same

james cedro

I don’t want you to be untrue to yourself or worried about annoying people..It’s all good. I enjoy your reactions even if I don’t always agree lol

I Am Not Chamari

It’s so interesting that you didn’t like this finale! I think most people do genuinely enjoy it or just think it was a solid ending. Maybe I’m a little dense, but I thought Ryan Murphy’s comment about treating the ending as a fever dream would be just a funny way to write himself out of a whole. I don’t know much about will and Grace, but I assume they had to backtrack on a lot of things in order for the reboot to exist in the first place. Also, Ryan Murphy saying that Glee should have probably ended after Cory passed away is less about the quality of the show and more about how everyone was really broken and probably shouldn’t have continued on with the show. I really love Sam leading the club. The writers screwed over his character HARD, but there were nuggets about him being a capable leader throughout the show. At the end of Season 3, I thought it was pretty obvious that he was being poised as becoming the “next Finn” in the group itself. Then he became Vice President of the student body. He taught the lesson alongside Blaine on Guilty Pleasures which is one of Season 4’s best episodes/lessons. He put together the performance of Applause which was actually super impressive if you really think about. I’m And as someone mentioned above, he stepped up during Nationals last season. So, this character has always been there despite the inconsistent writing throughout seasons 4-6. It’s hard to remember but Seasons 2-3 Sam is also a totally different character from Seasons 4-6 Sam, so I think the argument of this being an evolution, or even, a return to the core of who he is, makes sense. I am more curious on why you don’t like Sue’s ending. Not only does it make complete sense for her character, but as seen in modern politics, it’s really not that far out there. Jeb Bush being the President is actually what I really giggled at. Rachel being surrogate… I mean, sure. I didn’t really mind it and she won a Tony so it’s not like being pregnant got in the way of that. And she seems to be a bit of a “bounce back” kind of woman which clearly she was in the ending haha! Her ending up with Jesse was unnecessary. I think character-wise, she didn’t need to end up with anyone at all, but it was a sweet gesture because of how close Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff are in real life. And that’s why I love this episode a lot. You could tell how much it meant for the cast for them to have this moment to reflect on the years. It was all in their faces during “Teach Your Children.” I’ve always thought finales should tow the line of having meaningful endings for the characters, but also providing closure for its cast and audiences. I thought Glee did a good job at balancing that. Giving us one more Klaine duet, one more Mercedes solo, one more Rachel solo and a final group number. I was unfamiliar with Teach Your Children, but thought it was an amazing callback to the season 1 and season 3 finales, where he sang acoustic songs to the students. The lyrics fit for the moment. Mercedes sang a song by the Supremes which is on-brand. Rachel’s song was actually an original song written by Darren Criss and I really thought it was the perfect song for her, that encapsulates what these six years have been for Rachel and for Lea. Also, the bridge reminds me of Cory :( OneRepublic’s I Lived was such a fantastic choice as the last song in my opinion. It talks about all the big and scary and lovely feelings that come from, well living and surviving and making it through!