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brb gonna go find my kleenex for this one

DazzleFae (edited)

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2023-04-29 07:55:50 The Shawn and Turner dynamic is amazing, one of my favourites. I love that moment when Turner offers to let Shawn live with him. We've been leading up to it for a few episodes now, with him stepping in back in Wrong Side Of The Tracks when Shawn was struggling with identity and hanging out with Harley & co. Then last episode too, with letting him crash on his couch. And then it gets wrapped up here with him first telling Cory he's always there to help out, then covering for Shawn with the Cop and that whole scene, and then finally with him giving him a home. And I think that's a better arrangement for everyone. The Matthews house is already pretty full, and they're not rich or anything, they can't afford to have him there all the time. But also, they're VERY different to Shawn. Their rules are a lot more than he's used to, and it would feel suffocating to suddenly have all these rules. But of course, they couldn't just not give him these rules because that wouldn't be fair on the other kids. Plus, they already were kinda letting a lot slide. But Turner, while he'll have rules and stuff, they likely won't be as suffocating. He's a lot more like Shawn, he understands him in a much different way. The Matthews love him, that much is obvious, but they just can't be what he needs right now. I also think that Shawn might've been pushing at boundaries on purpose a little with them, trying to see how far he can push until they just lose it and kick him out. From what I've read, it's pretty common in kids who are either used to abandonment or abuse and then they're put into a more stable environment. Pushing boundaries to see when they'll break. So, while I appreciate the detail of having Shawn in the same clothes as last episode, it really makes me sad that he was just wearing the same clothes for 3 weeks and only then did anyone buy him new ones. Like, I totally get the whole money thing and all, but the fact that for 3 whole weeks he had only one outfit, maybe two is honestly heartbreaking... While on the topic of clothes, I pointed out last episode that they kinda coordinated Chet and Turner's outfits and made them match. They did the same with Shawn and Turner this episode. In the scene where Turner offers to let him live with him, they're both wearing blue shirts with a leather jacket. Idk, I just think it's kinda cool... :) I also love that in the scene between Turner and Miss Tompkins, she asks him if he feels like he needs a commitment in his life and he says that he does, and then she asks "Then what are you waiting for?" and RIGHT then is when Shawn knocks on the door. It's like they're saying "Here's his commitment!" And I think it was the moment in the kitchen when Alan and Amy were on the phone to Chet when Turner realised he was gonna offer Shawn a place to live. When Chet says that Shawn needs someone, the camera cuts over to Turner who's watching with a thoughtful look on his face. I think that's when he truly realised what he was gonna do. Chet really is a crappy father though. Do I think he loves Shawn? Yes, I actually do. Do I think that's enough? NO! Do I think he loved him enough? No. He found their Trailer, he could've just come back and been there for his son, instead he's chasing after someone who clearly doesn't wanna be found. They've continuously hinted that Shawn's family isn't exactly great, but these past couple episodes we've really seen it. Turner is exactly what he needs right now. I love Eric's scenes this episode though. Much needed comic relief. I think it might've been these episodes where they really realised that's needed. Shawn's going through this awful time, his parents have abandoned him, he's really struggling with feelings of not being enough and not having anyone. Then there's just Eric being a loveable idiot... Haha <333
2023-04-29 03:34:10 The Shawn and Turner dynamic is amazing, one of my favourites. I love that moment when Turner offers to let Shawn live with him. We've been leading up to it for a few episodes now, with him stepping in back in Wrong Side Of The Tracks when Shawn was struggling with identity and hanging out with Harley & co. Then last episode too, with letting him crash on his couch. And then it gets wrapped up here with him first telling Cory he's always there to help out, then covering for Shawn with the Cop and that whole scene, and then finally with him giving him a home. And I think that's a better arrangement for everyone. The Matthews house is already pretty full, and they're not rich or anything, they can't afford to have him there all the time. But also, they're VERY different to Shawn. Their rules are a lot more than he's used to, and it would feel suffocating to suddenly have all these rules. But of course, they couldn't just not give him these rules because that wouldn't be fair on the other kids. Plus, they already were kinda letting a lot slide. But Turner, while he'll have rules and stuff, they likely won't be as suffocating. He's a lot more like Shawn, he understands him in a much different way. The Matthews love him, that much is obvious, but they just can't be what he needs right now. I also think that Shawn might've been pushing at boundaries on purpose a little with them, trying to see how far he can push until they just lose it and kick him out. From what I've read, it's pretty common in kids who are either used to abandonment or abuse and then they're put into a more stable environment. Pushing boundaries to see when they'll break. So, while I appreciate the detail of having Shawn in the same clothes as last episode, it really makes me sad that he was just wearing the same clothes for 3 weeks and only then did anyone buy him new ones. Like, I totally get the whole money thing and all, but the fact that for 3 whole weeks he had only one outfit, maybe two is honestly heartbreaking... While on the topic of clothes, I pointed out last episode that they kinda coordinated Chet and Turner's outfits and made them match. They did the same with Shawn and Turner this episode. In the scene where Turner offers to let him live with him, they're both wearing blue shirts with a leather jacket. Idk, I just think it's kinda cool... :) I also love that in the scene between Turner and Miss Tompkins, she asks him if he feels like he needs a commitment in his life and he says that he does, and then she asks "Then what are you waiting for?" and RIGHT then is when Shawn knocks on the door. It's like they're saying "Here's his commitment!" And I think it was the moment in the kitchen when Alan and Amy were on the phone to Chet when Turner realised he was gonna offer Shawn a place to live. When Chet says that Shawn needs someone, the camera cuts over to Turner who's watching with a thoughtful look on his face. I think that's when he truly realised what he was gonna do. Chet really is a crappy father though. Do I think he loves Shawn? Yes, I actually do. Do I think that's enough? NO! Do I think he loved him enough? No. He found their Trailer, he could've just come back and been there for his son, instead he's chasing after someone who clearly doesn't wanna be found. They've continuously hinted that Shawn's family isn't exactly great, but these past couple episodes we've really seen it. Turner is exactly what he needs right now. I love Eric's scenes this episode though. Much needed comic relief. I think it might've been these episodes where they really realised that's needed. Shawn's going through this awful time, his parents have abandoned him, he's really struggling with feelings of not being enough and not having anyone. Then there's just Eric being a loveable idiot... Haha <333

The Shawn and Turner dynamic is amazing, one of my favourites. I love that moment when Turner offers to let Shawn live with him. We've been leading up to it for a few episodes now, with him stepping in back in Wrong Side Of The Tracks when Shawn was struggling with identity and hanging out with Harley & co. Then last episode too, with letting him crash on his couch. And then it gets wrapped up here with him first telling Cory he's always there to help out, then covering for Shawn with the Cop and that whole scene, and then finally with him giving him a home. And I think that's a better arrangement for everyone. The Matthews house is already pretty full, and they're not rich or anything, they can't afford to have him there all the time. But also, they're VERY different to Shawn. Their rules are a lot more than he's used to, and it would feel suffocating to suddenly have all these rules. But of course, they couldn't just not give him these rules because that wouldn't be fair on the other kids. Plus, they already were kinda letting a lot slide. But Turner, while he'll have rules and stuff, they likely won't be as suffocating. He's a lot more like Shawn, he understands him in a much different way. The Matthews love him, that much is obvious, but they just can't be what he needs right now. I also think that Shawn might've been pushing at boundaries on purpose a little with them, trying to see how far he can push until they just lose it and kick him out. From what I've read, it's pretty common in kids who are either used to abandonment or abuse and then they're put into a more stable environment. Pushing boundaries to see when they'll break. So, while I appreciate the detail of having Shawn in the same clothes as last episode, it really makes me sad that he was just wearing the same clothes for 3 weeks and only then did anyone buy him new ones. Like, I totally get the whole money thing and all, but the fact that for 3 whole weeks he had only one outfit, maybe two is honestly heartbreaking... While on the topic of clothes, I pointed out last episode that they kinda coordinated Chet and Turner's outfits and made them match. They did the same with Shawn and Turner this episode. In the scene where Turner offers to let him live with him, they're both wearing blue shirts with a leather jacket. Idk, I just think it's kinda cool... :) I also love that in the scene between Turner and Miss Tompkins, she asks him if he feels like he needs a commitment in his life and he says that he does, and then she asks "Then what are you waiting for?" and RIGHT then is when Shawn knocks on the door. It's like they're saying "Here's his commitment!" And I think it was the moment in the kitchen when Alan and Amy were on the phone to Chet when Turner realised he was gonna offer Shawn a place to live. When Chet says that Shawn needs someone, the camera cuts over to Turner who's watching with a thoughtful look on his face. I think that's when he truly realised what he was gonna do. Chet really is a crappy father though. Do I think he loves Shawn? Yes, I actually do. Do I think that's enough? NO! Do I think he loved him enough? No. He found their Trailer, he could've just come back and been there for his son, instead he's chasing after someone who clearly doesn't wanna be found. They've continuously hinted that Shawn's family isn't exactly great, but these past couple episodes we've really seen it. Turner is exactly what he needs right now. I love Eric's scenes this episode though. Much needed comic relief. I think it might've been these episodes where they really realised that's needed. Shawn's going through this awful time, his parents have abandoned him, he's really struggling with feelings of not being enough and not having anyone. Then there's just Eric being a loveable idiot... Haha <333


I'm really looking forward to Season 3! Such a good Season! :D