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I always forget how great the first season of this show is. So a few things. This is Regina's curse, everyone walking around, separated, not knowing who they are, not able to be with their loved ones is her happy ending. So she is aware of almost everything. Henry is not a part of the curse so he has been awake and aware all along. And as we saw Rumplestiltskin is aware of more than Regina thought possible. The present is right now and the fairy tale scenes are flashback for now. They are mostly for backstory and understanding but also to reveal things to the audience. That will actually evolve as time goes on. Emma, Snow, and Henry are such a cute little family unit, I think you will really enjoy them getting to know each other. As well as see other characters get introduced. I'm glad you like Henry, people tend to dislike him so that's a nice thing to see.


Glad you’re enjoying the show! It’s a lot of fun to watch especially seeing characters we grew up with in different ways. If you see this comment i’m curious to know, are there any disney characters you would love to see introduced on the show? (of course I won’t reply with any confirmations or spoilers!)


I love this show, glad you're liking it. It would be a great one to get picked up, even if just the first or first few seasons.


i really enjoy your reactions to this show. i loved that last scene where it shows that Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin somehow remembers the deal he made with The Evil Queen in the Fairytale land. the actor who plays him is Robert Carlyle and he is such a good actor.


The scenes with Emma in Storybrooke ARE present time. Whereas moments in the fairytale land are flashbacks to give us backstory to specific characters. This episode showed us the sacrifice the Evil Queen had to make in order to bring all the fairytale characters to Storybrooke. So the idea is that the residents of Storybrooke have been living in Storybrooke for 28 years not knowing who they really are, not aging, and trapped. As we saw in the last episode and in this one, the clock tower has begun moving which symbolizes time starting up again for the residents. It’s a cool concept and I love that you’re enjoying it 😁