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Rose Smith

steve please change it to greys anatomy🤦🏽‍♀️ i think you'll like it wayyyyy more

emily ღ

i normally don't condone changing if there's a following thats enjoying but if it's not enjoyable for him then i fear it's not an enjoyable reaction. for me personally i'd have more fun watching him have fun with whatever show he's doing. if he's not happy with house maybe it is time to move on to something different. grey's would 100% be more enjoyable for him. the characters and overarching storylines....yes. i have to agree!

Rose Smith

yes because like greys is top tier and house have another season im pull my hair out waiting for greys


So if he starts Greys and then decides to cut off before he's seen some good parts, would you like that? I doubt it. And then some fans of other show pressuring to change it just because they don't care for Greys. 🙄 Yes, House has some less interesting episodes this season, but the kind of episodes he likes are still coming. So it would be a real shame both for him and for House fans still watching if he stopped when there's so little left.


Yeah this episode was def a boring and skippable episode, wouldn't be surprised even if fans didn't tune in for this one. But it is not representstive of what’s left and MUCH better ones are coming. 9 episodes left this season, finish it and then decide if you want to finish the show. I really hope you do.

Omar Vargas

Hopefully you can finish the season and then decide if you want to finish the show

Rose Smith

Greys is so good why would he cut off season 8 of greys is even way better there's no comparison. if he wants to keep watching house i don't mind. He seems not interested. That's why i said he would like greys better.


He simply wants better storylines, which ARE coming and very soon. Greys is superior to you personally, but if you check previous comments on House and on polls, people aren't that crazy about Greys. House peak moments trumps Greys by so much it's not even a contest, and there is still a significant amount of those left in this show. It's quite selfish to request to cancel it, I'm sure you wouldn't like if people nagged to replace Greys before reactor has seen some things you want them to. Please be patient so we can all get the content we want. Season 7 nearly finished.

Rose Smith

you could've have ignored me if you didn't like what i said. i was giving my opinion and he planned to stop watching house to watch greys. Plus house doesn't even get good views greys is better. he clearly wanted to stop watching house to watch greys. That's why i said for him to just watch greys.


No he didn't lol. He made multiple ’’are you still watching’’ polls, asked during the reaction if he should, polls got over 70 votes, which is still a good amount of people, and comments said to keep watching too since there's so little left and good stuff is still coming. Only people who don't watch this show push for their own preferences because they don't care. If you compare activity on some House episodes and other newer shows he recently added so they should have the most activity, and you'll see there's barely any difference. People often just don't vote/like/comment or tune in for specific episodes only, doesn't mean they aren't interested. Most important thing is if Steven is enjoying it, and he simply didn't get to the best episodes of this season yet, which he WILL love.

Rose Smith

ok i don't care anymore. i'm not going to keep arguing over the same thing. And steven said he was going to drop house for greys because it wasn't getting enough view so......


He asked if he should drop it. Fans said stick with it longer, so he said he will, but he didn't guarantee season 8. If you watched House reactions you'd see he said he will keep watching.

Melissa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 14:46:13 I'm one of those people that was watching the House reactions every week in the earlier seasons and stopped cause I find season 7 & 8 to be not as good. I know people keep saying that it gets better and especially the last season but I don't remember thinking that while I was watching it. I think season 8 just didn't get much worse from what I recall. In fairness though I remember very little of the seasons, just random story beats I wasn't invested in. That's why I'm not watching anymore. I totally get fans though that would love to see you stick it out. If I liked these seasons, I'm sure I'd feel the same.
2023-05-03 11:49:19 I'm one of those people that was watching the House reactions every week in the earlier seasons and stopped cause I find season 7 & 8 to be not as good. I know people keep saying that it gets better and especially the last season but I don't remember thinking that while I was watching it. I think season 8 just didn't get much worse from what I recall. In fairness though I remember very little of the seasons, just random story beats I wasn't invested in. That's why I'm not watching anymore. I totally get fans though that would love to see you stick it out. If I liked these seasons, I'm sure I'd feel the same.

I'm one of those people that was watching the House reactions every week in the earlier seasons and stopped cause I find season 7 & 8 to be not as good. I know people keep saying that it gets better and especially the last season but I don't remember thinking that while I was watching it. I think season 8 just didn't get much worse from what I recall. In fairness though I remember very little of the seasons, just random story beats I wasn't invested in. That's why I'm not watching anymore. I totally get fans though that would love to see you stick it out. If I liked these seasons, I'm sure I'd feel the same.