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Clay W

This is such a ridiculous episode, and I still don't know how I feel about The Warblers joining forces with The New Directions. It's annoyingly convenient, but most of the season didn't make sense so it shouldn't be a surprise. The song at the end, Rise, was an original song.

leslie martin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 23:56:30 "her obstacles are easy"???? Finn died? she was bullied for years? her literal biggest bullies (quinn and santana) were in glee club with her? her mother abandoned her at birth and she chose to come back in her life via a fake boyfriend manipulating her? then her birth mom came to teach in her school and stole members from her glee club? now i'm not gonna list everything and i get that you hate Rachel, i understand. she's the main character, so glee is around her a lot, and if you don't like her, then it's hard to enjoy glee. but i think that you, and other people, are a bit biased when it comes to Rachel. yes she has a great life and she's successful. but she also worked really hard for it. like how everyone was making fun of her in high school for how dedicated (and crazy) she was about glee club, solos, winning... now it's normal for her to have a career in the arts, and a successful one. and i know one big thing is that "she abandoned everything that she had and she acted like a spoiled person" well... yes... but also she's a 19 yo girl with a promising career, doing a broadway show and she lost her one true love... so... i don't get too stressed about Rachel making weird life choices and coming back to her roots, her safe place, Ohio, after moving to the big New York city, getting a taste of famous life, and losing one of the most important person in her life... and after a bit of struggles in her hometown, she is finally ready to come back to what she really loves : broadway. But she's afraid about making the right choices bc we know what happened last time she left Ohio for NY... i get that hating Rachel is easy, but i really don't think that her storylines are stupid and giving to her like you're trying to make it seem.. you literally said she had easy obstacles and i think that's pretty insensitive when one of the biggest one was losing Finn, and Lea, the entire cast, writers, producers... losing Cory <3
2023-04-26 18:03:33 "her obstacles are easy"???? Finn died? she was bullied for years? her literal biggest bullies (quinn and santana) were in glee club with her? her mother abandoned her at birth and she chose to come back in her life via a fake boyfriend manipulating her? then her birth mom came to teach in her school and stole members from her glee club? now i'm not gonna list everything and i get that you hate Rachel, i understand. she's the main character, so glee is around her a lot, and if you don't like her, then it's hard to enjoy glee. but i think that you, and other people, are a bit biased when it comes to Rachel. yes she has a great life and she's successful. but she also worked really hard for it. like how everyone was making fun of her in high school for how dedicated (and crazy) she was about glee club, solos, winning... now it's normal for her to have a career in the arts, and a successful one. and i know one big thing is that "she abandoned everything that she had and she acted like a spoiled person" well... yes... but also she's a 19 yo girl with a promising career, doing a broadway show and she lost her one true love... so... i don't get too stressed about Rachel making weird life choices and coming back to her roots, her safe place, Ohio, after moving to the big New York city, getting a taste of famous life, and losing one of the most important person in her life... and after a bit of struggles in her hometown, she is finally ready to come back to what she really loves : broadway. But she's afraid about making the right choices bc we know what happened last time she left Ohio for NY... i get that hating Rachel is easy, but i really don't think that her storylines are stupid and giving to her like you're trying to make it seem.. you literally said she had easy obstacles and i think that's pretty insensitive when one of the biggest one was losing Finn, and Lea, the entire cast, writers, producers... losing Cory <3

"her obstacles are easy"???? Finn died? she was bullied for years? her literal biggest bullies (quinn and santana) were in glee club with her? her mother abandoned her at birth and she chose to come back in her life via a fake boyfriend manipulating her? then her birth mom came to teach in her school and stole members from her glee club? now i'm not gonna list everything and i get that you hate Rachel, i understand. she's the main character, so glee is around her a lot, and if you don't like her, then it's hard to enjoy glee. but i think that you, and other people, are a bit biased when it comes to Rachel. yes she has a great life and she's successful. but she also worked really hard for it. like how everyone was making fun of her in high school for how dedicated (and crazy) she was about glee club, solos, winning... now it's normal for her to have a career in the arts, and a successful one. and i know one big thing is that "she abandoned everything that she had and she acted like a spoiled person" well... yes... but also she's a 19 yo girl with a promising career, doing a broadway show and she lost her one true love... so... i don't get too stressed about Rachel making weird life choices and coming back to her roots, her safe place, Ohio, after moving to the big New York city, getting a taste of famous life, and losing one of the most important person in her life... and after a bit of struggles in her hometown, she is finally ready to come back to what she really loves : broadway. But she's afraid about making the right choices bc we know what happened last time she left Ohio for NY... i get that hating Rachel is easy, but i really don't think that her storylines are stupid and giving to her like you're trying to make it seem.. you literally said she had easy obstacles and i think that's pretty insensitive when one of the biggest one was losing Finn, and Lea, the entire cast, writers, producers... losing Cory <3

leslie martin

i would love to introduce you to the orginal ending of glee, if Cory was still here : Rachel is staying in NY, having a wonderful and successfull career. Finn is teaching the glee club. And suddenly, she fells that all this success is not what she wants anymore, at least not like this, and she still feels a bit empty inside. She comes back to McKinley, to find Finn, and tell him that she's finally home...