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Poop didn't lead to the witch hunt, it lead to him keeping an eye on ths sisters, probably stalking them for years, watching them do shady shit with magic, and once Phoebe killed using her powers, THIS lead to the witch hunt. ;D at least I think so. I agree it's extreme Phoebe stayed to burn when they didn't even know if they would go back in time to fix everything at that point, but I guess she realised it's a lesson and wanted to accept it, super risky though.

Fuiono Ching Sung

And had she not realized it was a lesson that they needed to learn, and insisted on following through with the punishment, they never would have been brought back to the present. Leo himself said "They wouldn't have brought you guys back if you didn't learn the lesson you needed to learn." There was no spell for them to come back, so had Phoebe not demonstrated that she (past Phoebe) truly learned the lesson that the wrong thing done for the right reason is still the wrong thing, they would have been stuck in the future.

Fuiono Ching Sung

Really good episode. We have our first look at Kickass Phoebe. LMAO @ Steven being super impatient about her trying to find her way in life in terms of school and work. I've always felt these first few episodes of season 2 were released out of sequence. Season premiere (Witch Trial), we meet Neighbor Dan, but no idea yet on which sister he will be paired up with. Next episode (Morality Bites), no Neighbor Dan, but Leo pops back up out of nowhere, and it's make-out city right away, as if he'd been around the whole time. Then the ten year time jump to show them as being divorced babymomma/babydaddy, and then back to the present, with them making out again and promising to make an effort to make things work. And then this episode, we're back to Neighbor Dan, with no mention of Leo, but kind of starting to show a slant towards Piper for him. I would have thought the better order would be the Witch Trial, then this episode, then the next episode (Devil's Music), and THEN Morality Bites, followed by the rest of the season 2 episodes.

Jana Fuller

I've always hated this episode and I don't know why it's always a skip for me


She definitely didn't realise it was a lesson from the Elders, no way she could've, just seemed like in that moment she felt like it's something she needed to accept and learn.


Such a fun little episode ;D it always made me curious how did Phoebe send Kit in without getting in the painting herself. 🤔 and hey, at least you see Phoebe trying to get a job this episode, it's not like she's planning to slack off forever, last season she admitted she judges herself for not working too. xD where I come from it's pretty normal to be supported by family members until you find your own way so it never bothered me. The woman warlock surprised me too on my first watch, great acting on pretending to be worried and weirded out by it lol. Btw Steven are you using old or new link to Charmed? Cuz I've been uploading episodes to both just in case


This has always been a favorite episode of mine!


*P3 is for Power of three and for the three sisters - Prue, Piper and Phoebe.* It never bothered me that at this stage Phoebe doesn't have a direction career-wise. She is the youngest one and she doesn't have a college degree. From the first episode, she has been introduced to us as sort of a free spirit and a rebellious one. It's her character. She moved to NY to try and find herself. Like, this is her character's journey. Also, it's not like we don't see her work at all, or at least try. She worked odd jobs here and there throughout 1st and 2nd seasons. Also, I personally thing that writers didn't know yet what they wanted to do with her character career and life goals wise, so they just kind of had her wherever the story needed her until a certain point. And I actually kinda like that since it brings a different dynamic from Prue and Piper who are both established in that sense and know who they are and what they want to do and what are they good at. I like this episode for Phoebe, this is the start of her character growth arc where she realizes, that she doesn't want to be the dumb scruew-up anymore and wants to grow up and learn and find herself.


I always thought that this early season 2 episodes were in a weird order. And your sequence makes so much sense. I'm really curious if these episodes were really meant to be in the order they aired or like what happened there?