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With Jamie, it makes sense that he wants to know Dan. He hasn't been told all the bad things he's done, all he really knows about Dan is that he saved him from Carrie. And that he was in Prison, but he doesn't know what for. He's just a kid who wants to know his Grandpa who saved him. When a kid gets something in their head, it's not going anywhere. And for Jamie, that's Dan. And Nathan and Haley, while they really don't want Dan around Jamie, they don't wanna tell him exactly why that is. How do you tell a kid that the man who saved them and who he has practically become obsessed with, isn't a good person? It's just a complicated situation all around. However, I do find Dan to be SO manipulative at this point in the show. He claims he's trying to change or whatever, and yet he refuses to do the one thing that his son is asking of him. Which is leave him and his family alone. In order to prove he's changing as a person, he just keeps trying to force his way back into Nathan's life under the guise he's trying to make it up to him or whatever. If he was TRULY trying to change, he'd just do what Nathan asks and leave them alone.


Brooke underestimated what it would be like having a child. What it truly means and is like. This was a wake up call for sure. The adoption agency was right to deny her at least right now but it was great that she was able to get a trial run experience. I'm so glad Millie was able to connect with the guys. I agree with you that it was weird they made a big thing about her being a virgin. Also Skills stealing her underwear was weird. Deb with the clown was hilarious but a little scary that they let a clown around kids who has done time. Unless he was just saying that to scare Dan. And I'm also glad Skills talked with Haley and Nathan and that it turned out it was all in his head that he was being kept away. In reality they were just watching him more themselves being overprotective and have Nanny Deb too. Lastly, yeah this season was shorter due to the writers strike. It was actually going to be even shorter but the strike ended and they added 6 more episodes.


I wanna apologize I was the one commenting you seem unhappy with this season. I totally get having different opinions than us. I just want you to like the show haha But ofc pls stay being honest :)

Heather Flores-Ricks

Yes. Re: Saying no to kids totally a Hispanic thing. I feel the same way, I would have just gotten told no as well.