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Molly C

One of my favorite episodes, mainly because of wade's reactions to everything in it. can't wait till the Christmas episode lol


Yea, we get way more of everyone else in the town this year and AB is def one of my favorite characters. I like this episode because its unique, definite never seen a sleepwalking love interest before lol. I like that all these mishaps really strengthen Zoe and Wade's relationship. I love that he is the steady one this time and he is usually the one guiding Zoe in the right direction. Forcing her to admit her real feelings and also when she is bad. She deserved to be called out for almost kissing George. I would have supported Lemon more for her honesty if it came from an honest place. She only broke them up because she still has feelings for Lavon. Like you said they would only pretend to date for a little while and then have a fake breakup. Maybe I'm bad as well lol. I really enjoy Lavon and Annbeth together, they have really great chemistry. All in all good episode.


Anabeth is a true treasure, even the actress on screen is just so adorable when playing AB. She's one of my favorite characters in the series. I 100% get why you have a crush on her, how can you not? Kind of like Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald in Doctor Who. At least, I get that vibe from her character. So I was annoyed w/ what they did with Lemon this episode. Like I get it, she still has feelings that just popped up, but it kind of came off as a little caddy. The way she slightly influenced Lavon's conscience (guilt tripped) when we all know if Lemon was in Anabeth's place, she'd be perfectly fine with lying. She's done it before lol I also think it would bode well for Lemon to be honest w/ AB especially because she's her best friend?? They like the same guy, and Lemon has all the cards right now, which I think is a little unfair. But nonetheless, I loved the episode as a whole.


You were asking about what happened with wade and the bar. If I remember correctly he had that meeting set up with someone from the bank but he screwed up that opportunity. I think lavon was willing to co-sign a business loan for him