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hehe i’m feeling B99 tonight 😊 also this episode of angel is one of my fav i can’t explain why

Ray D

I know that you’ve already watched the finale but something to keep in mind for this episode is that all the way back to season 1 of Angel we learned that there is a prophecy that Angel would play a major roll in the apocalypse but it wasn’t clear whether he’d be on the side of good or bad. This is the reason that wolfram and hart always wouldn’t let Lindsay and lilah kill Angel. They had to keep him alive in the hopes that they could turn him bad for the apocalypse. So they have been setting up this particular apocalypse since almost the beginning with questions as to what side Angel will fight on. You’re supposed to have that in your mind when watching this episode. The show is trying to make you think that Angel had turned to the dark side until that amazing final scene where Angel reveals his ruse and lays out his plan. So while the show ending did need to be truncated and rushed a little bit because they were cancelled so late into production, this storyline of, which side is Angel on for the final apocalypse has been teased since the beginning and always was going to the ending of the show.