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manuel black

This is not my favorite season. But I don't think Iris did it as easily as you were making it. Not discrediting your opinion. But she couldn't really do anything other than run in this episode. And the only thing that she really did was make a tidal wave. Plus everyone feels that way about Iris being the leader. except me. I believe they could have done more with her being a leader though than just saying she's the leader. Cuz Wally and Cisco and Joe are all out in the field. and Caitlin was nowhere to be found so I don't want the only ones that could go behind the comms was Iris. And she would tell them what they had to do location and everything so technically she would leave them to a place which makes her a leader.

Lashaunda Holbert

I agree with Manuel. The only one available to step into the role of leader was Iris. Now I can understand once everyone came back the need to make one of them the leader. But they don't seem like the type of team to go, "hey we're all back now, you can go". I think it was more of a, if she steps down cool but until then let's not change things. Also Manuel is correct in the fact that she didn't excel at anything. She failed at attempts to try his other powers so she ran. The tidal she was coached through it and they gave her simple enough instruction. I do agree she came in a little hot when speaking to the meta. I think she was trying too hard in that moment to prove she was the leader.

Davonte Morgan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-20 10:09:27 How does her not having powers or being the smartest person on the team make her the weakest link ? & she couldn’t do everything Barry could do. She couldn’t phase, the only thing she did good was run and I’m sure anybody could do that.
2023-04-20 05:46:37 How does her not having powers or being the smartest person on the team make her the weakest link ? & she couldn’t do everything Barry could do. She couldn’t phase, the only thing she did good was run and I’m sure anybody could do that.

How does her not having powers or being the smartest person on the team make her the weakest link ? & she couldn’t do everything Barry could do. She couldn’t phase, the only thing she did good was run and I’m sure anybody could do that.


I really don’t like Iris lol

Andrea Paola

Iris couldn’t do everything Barry could do. Barry would have run on the side of the building while Iris used the stairs and she could not put out the fire…