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Brooke becoming a foster parent at the age of 22 doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me, but I've also had friends who did it as soon as they graduated high school at the ages of 18 and 19. At the age of 20, one of those friends adopted the child. I agree that it is unusual, but it does not strike me as strange. Some people simply know what they want and go after it. I do think Brooke should have had more experience with children before applying, but new parents of any age rarely have significant childcare experience.


You can start foster kids at 18 depending on the state. With the average starting age being 21 or older. With steady financials and a healthy lifestyle it is an easier process to foster. Brooke would actually be a relatively ideal candidate. Steady finances, she moved to a smaller and slow paced city, healthy records. It would be easy for her to foster. It would actually probably be easy for her to adopt a child as well, private independent adoptions are ofter quicker paths to adoption than average adoption agencies. Due to her wealth she probably could've privately adopted rather quickly. For me the show picked this route of giving her this baby to reality check Brooke. She really wants a family but she also really wants to be unconditionally loved and to her a child is that. She's never been anyones first choice but as a mom she would be. The reality of her choice is shown in her shopping and not prioritizing necessities and her concern in her conversation with Lucas. Brooke does have a lot of love to give and does want to be a mom and this opportunity is meant to just show her the realities of that.


Okay, I'm sorry maybe it's just me but Steven doesn't seem to enjoy the show as a whole anymore. Like I understood being annoyed with the Lucas/Peyton drama bc it certainly has been the worst storyline in season 5, but last episode it was Nathan and Haley, this episode it's Brooke. And it's just sad I guess that he dislikes the stories we all love so much. As the others already explained, it is actually quite reasonable for Brooke to practically babysit a child for a couple of weeks while having major surgery done - especially with her financial background and the agency having checked her medical and criminal record.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I don't know if it's a real thing but I've seen one other TV show where a character is given temporary custody of a child who has to undergo a surgery in the States. Wildly different scenarios but I thought it was a pretty nice idea. I hope it is a real thing. That seems quite nice, especially if the doctors donate their time and resources (is that what Brooke was implying?? I think so, right??). Also, I don't think the baby's parents get to decide who becomes the temporary guardian. It's all done through an agency, right? I'd assume the parents would think that since the agency chose this person to be responsible, they've vetted that person out.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

P.S., also really like the start of the episode. Jamie's first thought being Chester and his parents' first thoughts being Jamie were very sweet and we jump to Dan, after everyone else, and it's just a gunshot. Perfection.

emily ღ

there was a story of a tiktoker who was 19 and a parent of middle schooler or something like that because she fought for custody of her little sister and was raising her. i think that's awesome!! if you can do it, why not! as long as the kid is supported and and loved and their needs are met.....like there's plenty of damn mature young people and way too many people in their 30s and 40s who i wouldn't trust with a pet rock much less a kid. so 🤷‍♀️

Mariella Nilsson

I don't feel that way, I really like these reactions, but I do think it takes a while to get used to The new show after the time jump, but in afew episodes most reactors get fully back to enjoying The show 100%!

Mariella Nilsson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-16 01:17:41 I really like these reactions Steven and your thoughts and comments! I get what you are saying about The baby, because babies are so precious and I would never give mine away to a stranger like this, but in this senario The baby would die without The surgery as I understod and The family boesn't have The mony to make The trip, so they are desperate.
2023-04-15 20:21:55 UI really like these reactions Steven and your thoughts and comments! I get what you are saying about The baby, because babies are so precious and I would never give mine away to a stranger like this, but in this senario The baby would die without The surgery as I understod and The family doesn't have The mony to make The trip, so they are desperate.

UI really like these reactions Steven and your thoughts and comments! I get what you are saying about The baby, because babies are so precious and I would never give mine away to a stranger like this, but in this senario The baby would die without The surgery as I understod and The family doesn't have The mony to make The trip, so they are desperate.


Maybe you are right, I hope you are right. I know it’s an adjustment, I just hope by the end of the season he likes it again.

Mariella Nilsson

I think he will, because there is so many different storylines comming, I really like this part of The show, so Iam excited!


i really liked owen/brooke together and enjoyed the way their relationship developed. i agree that breaking them up this way seemed rushed and sloppy storytelling wise.


I have found with stevens reactions for most shows compared to other reactors he tends to be way more vocal about the stuff he doesn't like..there are a few shows that I wonder to myself if he likes at all coz he's always saying "that's trash" and "I wouldn't have made that choice" I danno it must just be how he is but I definitely think he mentions way more stuff he hates than stuff he likes. Which can be a bit frustrating when we are excited to see certain story lines play out and he just seems to hate it. Like the ep of Lucas wedding he hates Payton so much that he ranted about how shit she was when in that ep she didn't do anything wrong or anything to affect the wedding but stevens hatred for her affected everything about his reaction. I danno 🤷🏻‍♀️


Looking back I assumed this must be when his career was taking off and he couldn't make it back to film a breakup.