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Zach Faulkner

Okay I'm here to defend Henry some. I agree with you that up through the point Jen rejected Henry she did nothing wrong. But as you pointed out, Jen and Henry weren't friends so that exchange happens and Jen walks away from it knowing 'Wow, this guy just had his heart broken for the very first time and I'm responsible for doing it." At that point I don't think it's on Henry to go up to Jen and be like 'Hey be my friend now please'. He was in pain and she knew it, but then she spent a month completely ignoring him. She doesn't necessarily owe him anything and if that's the choice she makes then I support that but then to show up a month later after you broke his heart and spent a month not even acknowledging his existence and act like we are best friends and none of the heartbreak ever happened to me is just crazy. If you want to be his friend, you go to him the next day or a couple days after the rejection and you make sure he's okay, you insert yourself in his life and be there for him. You don't just toss him to the side and not think about him. Then when did she go to him? When Jack left her. She was alone and had no friends and suddenly she saw Henry and is like 'Oh this is convenient for me now. He now fulfills a need I have, so let me go use him to fill that hole'. I do think Henry acted poorly this episode but also I would be pissed also if someone who broke my heart showed up a month later and just acted like we were cool and nothing happened between us. Also you said we all get our heartbroken and life moves on and it will be okay, which I agree with. But when you are an emotional hormonal teenager and you have your first love and heartbreak in the moment it does feel like the world is ending and you'll never love again.