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at the end, allison's mom is telling argent "don't think she's taking the fall for something she didn't do" in the sense of "stop acting like she's wrongfully taking the fall for it", because she did do it. the way it's phrased is a little confusing but kate did in fact set the fire.


Oh no Kate definitely did it, Victoria was just telling Chris not to feel bad for her. The Argents are definitely a very interesting family. Hunters as a whole are super interesting, I think you will enjoy meeting more of them. You do get to meet the head of the family next season, I'm curious to see how you will feel about him. Lydia is a real mystery for awhile and its fun trying to figure out what she is, it caught me by surprise the first time for sure. Allison is a bit polarizing, she tends to jump to conclusions head first and that kind of gets worse in season two. Looking forward to season two :)