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Stephanie Bedworth

Illyria explained it to Wes in the last scene with them. That there were now two sets of memories, the fabricated ones and the real ones. So Connor remembered Angel and everything that happened with him, but also the life he was supposed to have had with his other family.


i love this episode because it brings the season 3 plot of sahjhan full circle. that entire season he wanted angel dead and we never knew why until now. because his son was prophesized to kill him. also...connor is about ten times more likable in this one episode than he was throughout all of season 4 lbs.


the memory wipe did more than just erase the memory of connor. i think it also erased all of the culminating events that happened because of connor (or at the very least altered them heavily). when wes shatters the memory glass and we see quick shots/flashbacks of past events...i interpreted that as those flashes/shots we saw were all the memories that were erased because they were directly connected to connor. wes kidnapping connor resulted in connor getting abducted by holtz... which led to wes becoming dark/broody and sleeping with lilah. there was also connor hooking up with cordy and giving birth to jasmine. do the characters have any memories of these events if their memory of connor is erased all together? i interpret it as no, they don't. which means wes is right...the memory wipe did alter their reality in quite a significant way.


one last post (because i love this episode)...regarding gunn. i think the fact that he instantly rejected the liason's offer to get him out (before even hearing the full offer/plan) is because making deals with wolfram and hart is what got him in this mess to begin with. so yes...he wants to stay in the hell deminsion because he feels guilty. but rejecting the liason's offer shows that he has learned his lesson about making deals with them and knows it can never lead to anything good.

Ray D

It’s the tying up of loose ends from seasons 3 and 4 that I didn’t even know I needed tied up until I watched this for the first time. If you remember season 3, sahjan is the one that brought Holtz back to modern times. The reason being because there was a prophecy that Angels child would kill sahjan. Sahjan wasn’t corporal and couldn’t touch anything. So he brought Holtz back to kill the child before he could grow up to kill him. Sahjan was also the one who fabricated the “the father will kill the son” prophecy. He planted it so that Wesley wouldn’t trust Angel and take Connor away after Holtz went rogue. So Sahjan set a lot of things in motion that led to Connor growing up in quor toth with Holtz as his father and ultimately lead the gang to where they are today. So for this episode to bring back Connor and close that storyline by killing sajahn and fulfilling the prophecy is a really cool loose end to tie up. And this version of connor is so likable too. Amazing episode


Ofc Connor remembers, that's how he was able to win the fight so decisively at the end there because he remembered how to. I think I forgot how much I liked this episode. Connor is at his most likable here and its bittersweet because it would have been nice to have this Connor from the start. As for Wesley, he always think he knows what is best for everybody, everything is not about you Wesley. The lie was to your benefit as you once again decided that you knew better than everyone. He gets on my nerves.


On top of what Stephanie said, Wes's last line before it cuts to Connor and Angel, '[you focus on the other memories] to endure it'. That's what Connor is doing. It's nice that he left Angel with the knowledge that he remembers, but is going to be OK, and also a thank you for what he did. I like when he says he doesn't like people touching his throat, because Angel most likely slashed it when he killed him. Wes is a morally dubious character but he's also been through some shit. I like how when they get their memories back Angel doesn't give him a look of hate, he's almost concerned. They've finally got back to a good place and I think Angel was just as concerned about Wes getting those memories back as he was for Connor. Without his memories, Wes has a darkness inside him that he can't explain. Now he knows.


Wes doesn't know the history behind what happened with Angel's son. All he knows is that one of them have already made a deal, and it ended with Fred dying. Now he finds Angel has made an even bigger deal on his own, covered it up, that it effected not only the rest of the team without consent but the entire world, changing reality so that events didn't happen and new events did. Angel just saying "he's my son" has an impact on us because we know. To Wes it's just a random excuse, and meaningless.