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I really enjoy this episode. It shows off some really great dynamics of the show. Eric and Feeny, Shawn and Turner, Cory and Topanga. This is the first Eric centric episode. It's actually a thing to do with real life School. They filmed this around the time of real life exams, which is why Cory was so sidelined. At least that's what I've heard about these episodes that are more Eric centred. I really love how much Feeny believes in his students. He sees their potential and doesn't like when they don't. I really like how passionate he is about it too, he does not let them believe he sees anything less. He lets them know his expectations, and they are for them to do the best they can. It's really good. And I absolutely love the dynamic between him and Eric. It's not one we've seen much of yet, but I love it. And it's really sad how Eric sees himself. And the fact that Torie didn't see any potential there. She actually helped Jason, so we know she's capable of it, but when it came to Eric she didn't see any point no matter how many times he told her that he just wanted her to help him study, not cheat. Of course if you're told by the person who's supposed to be teaching you that you're not going to be able to do it, you're going to believe them. I'm really proud of him for immediately going back to School to tell Feeny the truth. It would've been so easy to just get away with it and go to Europe, but in the end he was looking forward to Summer School instead because he knew it would be worth it in the end. :) Shawn and Turner's scenes are great too. They obviously weren't as serious as the Eric and Feeny ones, but I love that Turner actually decided to go to Shawn's Uncle for help, and that Shawn made sure to get him a good deal and not let his Uncle scam him. (He would totally let him scam anyone else and not care. This is not a new thing for him... Haha) I just love him being a little protective, knowing how his family is and not wanting Turner to be a victim of that. It's sweet. And the Cory and Topanga stuff was cute. Poor Topanga, she clearly really likes Cory, but he's a little jerk. I love them. I love all their joking around, and Topanga doing a full on investigation into who had Mono. It's all so cute.


this episode makes me so emotional, this lesson hits really hard for me since its eric focused and he's more of a comic relief character. i felt to bad for him since he was willing to study but his tutor wasn't willing to teach him.

emily ღ

the way shawn stands up for mr turner is such a powerful thing. turner is always on his case and shawn kinda shoves it off or pretends not to care, but you can see in that moment how much it does matter to him that mr. turner is often in his corner and gives a shit about him. in hindsight, it's such a special moment. also i love the feeny x eric stuff. this is when eric is one of my favorite characters. sadly, they mess with his character a lot in later seasons so just be warned of that. this is eric when he's at his best. when he's fighting for it. he feels incapable of a lot but he still has this drive to want to be better. he wanted to go to mr feeny and make it right and come forward. he wants to do the right thing. he just needs someone in his corner like turner is with shawn. i love the character of allan but in a lot of ways he fails eric a lot. idk if it's that lovely 90s parenting or what but i feel like he's very hands off "handle it yourself and get it together" but as someone who has adhd (and many believe eric is as well) that kind of hands off attitude doesn't really work. like his parents kind of back off and let eric flouder around for months and then give him weird deadlines and standards without setting him up to meet those deadlines and standards. i'm not saying he needs his hand held or something but if they wanted him to succeed, a tutor at the very last minute seems a bit....careless? idk there's a lot i think allan and amy get right when it comes to being tv parents but i really think eric is the kid that gets the short end of the stick quite often.

emily ღ

i love this era of cory and topanga. it's still so innocent - as it should be. cory is still quite immature and a little goofball but they bounce off each other so well and she understands him enough to not take him goofing off too seriously. she knows he isn't being a jerk towards her specifically, he's just being a dumb teenage boy. but i like how she doesn't just put up with it either if he were to cross a line and be more of a jerk.


Exactly! It’s so cute! She knows he’s just being a kid, because they are kids. This is innocent teasing that she knows isn’t serious. They’re just adorable! 🥺


I really enjoy the Shawn and Turner stuff this episode. It kinda feels like a shift happened. This was Shawn being on Turners side. Usually he’s his teacher, Turner has the upper hand in the classroom and Shawn kinda sees it that way, he doesn’t like teachers and he doesn’t like school. But here, Shawn kinda has the power. It’s his Uncle, he could’ve easily let him get away with scamming him, he could’ve even just let him give him a slightly unreasonable price to start with. But instead, he helps him out, because at the end of the day, that’s what Turner actually does for Shawn in class.


This episode should be titled ‘By hook or by crook’ Also image is not from this episode

