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Michel Stephany Garces

So from what Spencer said, her dad is not really covering for her because he thinks she did something against Alison but actually, her dad thinks is another attempt by Spencer trying to get attention.

I Am Not Chamari

The timeline of the show, at least as of now, is pretty straight forward. Alison’s disappearance takes place right before the girls were about to enter their sophomore year of high school. The flashbacks we’ve seen with Alison mostly take place during that summer. The show begins a year after her disappearance, when the girls are entering their junior year in high school. Melissa was dating Wren in the present timeline, yes, but she was dating Ian in the past timeline. We know Ian was seeing both Alison and Spencer at some point within that year. Melissa and Ian do break up (it’s kind of hinted that it was because of Spencer because Ian broke up with Melissa but Spencer mentions she saw Ian for a little bit after they broke up), but I think we’re led to believe that Melissa and Ian were dating at the time of Alison’s disappearance. At least, that’s what I think at the moment. Spencer initially thought her father was trying to protect her, but in her conversation with Toby she asserts that her father just thinks she’s doing it for attention. And as a former Jason girlie (he used to be my favorite PLL boy) I still see it for him lol. He’s the definition of the older mysterious brother that’s just naturally attractive. Also, I don’t think he was actually going to hit her with the hockey stick. He was just trying to scare her, which isn’t much better, but meh


I'm just catching up on these reactions, but I had such a huge crush on Jason when I watched this show. Caleb was my favorite pll boy, but Jason was for sure the one I thought was most attractive, it made me root for him and Aria at the time.