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Fuiono Ching Sung

I was wondering if you'd recognize the villain. The reason he rings a bell for you is because you saw him on Buffy. In two different roles. He played the psycho vampire that Buffy went up against in Season 3 in the Helpless episode, where she was put to the test by Giles and the Council to beat the vampire without her Slayer powers. Same actor came back in season 6 as Rack, the Dark Magicks dealer Willow met through Amy when she needed a power boost. Same guy Dark Willow killed at the end of that same season when she needed a bigger power boost.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I did like the whole Alcatraz thing but I tend to not enjoy this episode as much because of the lack of Piper. Can't help it. She's just my fav 🤣


This is the last dud on this season, for me at least. I mean, it's watchable, but... it's never been a fave by a long shot.


During the filming of this episode, Holly Marie Combs (Piper) had surgery for uterine fibroid, which is why Piper was sent on a business trip and the episode focused on Prue and Phoebe. As Fuiono Ching Sung already mentioned, that is the great Jeff Kober who you'd recognize from Buffy. I am a huge fan of his. 💕


This argument with Phoebe and Prue felt very realistic, where it starts with small things, they keep it within and it grows, so when they finally blow up it turns into a big fight when it totally doesn't have to be. ;D Phoebe was a bit of a brat here but I totally understand her frustration. Helping with chores when she's the only one who isn't working is a no brainer, but when it happens to such a degree that she's constantly home like a housewife and gets 0 appreciation for it, that sucks too. xD


Think about downloading the episodes, you don't need to login into the drive to be able to do that. But if you don't want to, I sent you the login details so you can choose "make available offline" option, so the file doesn't actually get stored in your device if you have any worries about it. Some episodes in the future are quite large so not sure how well they would stream if not stored in one of the ways. I believe most of the episodes in early seasons have some of the original music we don't want to see changed.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I wasn't on Phoebe's side this episode either. She said later on before Ward came and attacked at the manor that she's the one who's upset with herself for not moving forward in life but girl...we all have to pitch in somehow. Prue and Piper both have jobs, they need someone to help them with the house stuff and you live there too! If she didn't feel appreciated she could have just said something instead of blowing off her chores. Those were things that her sisters depended on her to get done. And Prue didn't even "make a crack" about anything. Prue's been bitchy before but she was completely calm this episode even when Phoebe didn't pick up her dry cleaning. I hate that they made her apologise and agree with Phoebe because she was barely making any sense.


That argument between Prue and phoebe felt soooo realistic for sisters in that situation...it didn't make me annoyed at phoebe I totally get where she was coming from and the way she reacted to Prue was completely in character with the history of the relationship they have as older sister younger sister. Was phoebe being a bit salty and aiming her frustration outwards yes but that's pretty normal in a family dynamic. Even if you don't "work" doing everything around the house (and in their situation a lot of the demon research) without any appreciation or acknowledgment would wear on you after a while. But she did apologise and admit that she was frustrated with herself and projecting.

Lucile Byrd

I am not on Pheobe's side here either. Sure, her sister's can say thank you when she does things around the house, I guess, but like in the other direction, when has Phoebe shown gratitude to Piper and Prue for paying for the house/bills and groceries etc?